Emergency responders rushed to the scene of an accident in which two young women ran head-on into a large Oak Tree off Hwy 173 just outside Devine this past Saturday morning. The accident happened around 6 am.
Firefighters quickly extricated the driver, who was pinned inside and in and out of consciousness.
“The front end of the car was destroyed,” said Fire Chief Mike Walker. “The tree pushed up into the engine compartment. It was bad. We called for a helicopter but they could not fly in due to the weather. So we had the driver transported to University Hospital by the ambulance in Devine and had to call in a second ambulance from Hondo for the passenger.”
The driver and passenger were reportedly headed in to work in Devine from Hondo, and were just on the other side of San Frisco Creek when the accident happened.
One lane of Hwy 173 was shut down for about 2 hours.
Woman pinned after hitting oak