Got a half inch of rain on Friday and still haven’t experienced a hunnerd degree day yet…may have spoke too soon. Just as the grass and weeds were starting to show signs of distress, along comes a shower to keep them growing. I believe that God knows what he’s doing. Gonna be time to mow again soon.
The target date for move-in to the new Medina County Courthouse Annex has come and passed. The new date is September somethingth…on or near the 17th…and Dallas is going to the Super Bowl. These things are gonna happen, just don’t know zackly when.
We are going out for bids on a 120′ square storage building to be constructed next to the jail for storage and other possible uses. Never have enough storage.
We accepted bids for paving services, materials, hauling, fuels and such for the upcoming Fiscal year 2021-2022.
The new Tax Rate was discussed and out of the three options, the Voter-Approval Tax Rate was approved. Definition: The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that a taxing entity may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. So, the Voter-Approval Tax Rate is adopted without holding an election to seek voter approval? Confused yet?
The 2020-2021 tax rate was 0.5473 cents per $100 valuation. It is going down to 0.5223 cents per $100 valuation for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Woo Hoo!! Wait…my evaluation went up (over which Commissioners Court has no influence) so…did my taxes go down? Not only no but…you know the rest.
Personally, my Medina County taxes will go up $115.73 next year. My total tax bill is unknown at this time. Both ESD #2 and ESD #4 taxes, the Groundwater Conservation District tax, the County FM Road tax, and the Medina County Hospital District tax have not been added yet. Seems futile to work all your life to acquire a home, pay it off and you still don’t own it…you just rent it.
Sure hope my kids and grandkids are paying attention. Don’t get sucked into all this free Government money and Welfare and Unemployment and SSI and Stimulus Checks and believe it will last forever. Of course, those who provide it are banking on those who get it to put them back in Office so their pockets will always be full. One way or the other, we will pay. We the People need to stand up and speak up.
Only 116 days till Christmas.