Your Lytle PD officers handled 61 calls last week. Officers also conducted 48 traffic stops last week. Those stops resulted in 40 citations and 8 warnings, most citations were for speeding and running a stop sign.
All those calls resulted in only one reported property crime, and one cite and release for drug paraphernalia. The property crime was illegal dumping on Railroad St. So unlike theft, where something is taken that doesn’t belong to you…illegal dumping is where something is left behind that does belong to you. That’s an example of my high-powered brain breaking it down and simplifying things.
We handle all kinds of stuff, all week long. A lot of it doesn’t classify as a crime. Just last week we dealt with several incidents of people in mental health crisis. Spent hours trying to find a person to pick up an elderly man in a wheelchair at H.E.B. (he had been “dropped” off). We went door to door at an apartment complex trying to locate the parents of a toddler who wandered off into the parking lot of a nearby business. It never ends and it can be draining both emotionally and physically. (I added the physical part because I checked the upstairs apartments when we were looking for the parents).
It’s never too late to sign up for notifications and emergency information from the city. I encourage you to visit our website and sign up now if you haven’t already.
The link is:
It will give you a lot of options for various situations, the system is more complicated than we are. I would just suggest you sign up for everything (I think you check off boxes), it’s not like you are going to be getting junk mail. We only send out info. when we need to. We won’t sell information to anybody. We might rent it, but never sell it.
Look out for your neighbor, report suspicious activity, and treat people like you would want to be treated.