Johnny Davis greets traffic along West Hondo Avenue in Devine with friendly waves, and prayers in his heart.
For the past month, the 64-year-old retiree has stationed himself next to First Baptist Church every Wednesday at noon to “spread God’s love and positivity” – and he gets as well as he gives. Motorists honk horns appreciatively and extend hearty waves as Johnny displays his roadside message, a verse from 2 Chronicles.
The Devine Ministerial Fellowship meets at the same spot every Tuesday at 10 a.m. to pray for America.
Johnny, who retired from the city of Devine and works part-time at First Baptist, invites residents of all faiths to join him or the ecumenical Fellowship gatherings, or both. There are no collections; prayer is the only currency that counts here.
“God created us to be social beings, to help each other and work together,” Johnny says. “Now more than ever.”
By Kenric Ward