We kept steady with activity this past week, officers handled 55 calls for service and conducted 50 traffic stops. The traffic stop breakdown was 32 citations and 18 warnings. The call volume was spread out with a little bit of everything last week. For example, we had 9 assist the public calls (vehicle lockouts, stranded motorist, etc.) and 6 assist agency (EMS, FD, Atascosa Sheriff, etc.).
The good news is that we didn’t get any reports from H.E.B. Plus about thieves taking off with flowers for mother’s day. The bad news is that Bealls reported a cologne/perfume bandit on Saturday. It was the typical “grab and run,” our crook got away with 5 gift sets of cologne/perfume valued at almost $400. This guy not only took care of mother’s day he even handled his father’s day shopping at the same time. On Sunday some mother was really surprised when her son came through with the nice gift. Nothing says “I love you” like a shoplifted gift, it’s truly special.
Hats off to Captain Reyes and Ofc. Pena for an arrest of a fellow that was trying to “hot wire” a pick-up at Certified Truck and Auto on Main St. Fortunately a witness saw something suspicious and called it in. It was a little after midnight and the officers arrived and made the arrest. Some of these crooks just don’t use common sense, why would you try to steal a vehicle that is at a repair shop? I mean the truck didn’t run, that’s why it was there. Other arrests include a felony DWI by Ofc. Pena, assisted by Ofc. Lopez and a public intoxication arrest by Sgt. Hanson and Ofc. Lopez.
Join me in welcoming Laura Reyna as our newly elected city council member. She appears to be a very professional, well educated, and intelligent person. I am sure she will do well and I hope she reads this otherwise, I wasted a lot of big words for nothing.