A’Dell came home from school with a few Mother’s Day coupons, and she claims that when I ask her to do something she’s going to give me a “thumbs up” and do it immediately (as long as I use a coupon). Dang it, I never seem to have a coupon when I need it.
A’Dell’s been preparing for the big STAAR test that her class took this week. Thankfully, she hasn’t been stressing out about it too much. Her tactic is to “test” us instead. Every chance she gets, she gives us a quick course on multiplication, division, and word problems. One of my mom’s cousins visited this weekend, and A’Dell was quick to ask her “Do you know multiplication?”
When cousin Phyllis answered “yes,” A’Dell started firing away with the multiplication factors. Every once in a while, when Phyllis got a hard one, A’Dell would pause and shake her head with approval. She is so funny, she’s always eager to give me and my husband “tests”. It’s a good thing I memorized my multiplication tables, because I’d be in trouble if I didn’t. From her love of teaching us, I’d say she’s on the fast track to become a teacher.
Meanwhile, while A’Dell is testing us, baby Tucker is training to be a mountain climber, I guess. The child (who should be just learning to get a good handle on walking at his age), is climbing up a storm with reckless abandon. There is nothing in our home that he hasn’t attempted to climb. If you come over to visit, and notice that all of our dining room chairs are laying sideways on the floor, there is a reason for that…The dining room table is Tucker’s favorite place to climb up. Rather than re-directing him every five seconds, I just turn the chairs over, so he can’t climb up there. When he learns how to turn them back upright, that’s when I’ll really be in trouble.
He’s getting to be a very active baby boy…”all boy” as they say. In fact, he got me kicked out of church a couple weeks ago. (I actually kicked myself out after struggling with all my might to hold him still for ten minutes.) He is a strong little booger. God knows I tried.
Hmmm….still wondering what I want to use those Mother’s Day coupons on. It’s got to be something really good, if I can get something done with just a happy little “thumbs up!”