I recently saw a T-Shirt for sale that said something along the lines that aging is one body part saying to other parts: “You Think That Was Bad? Watch This!”
To be very clear, I take NO credit for that phrase, but I DO RESEMBLE that remark!
The latest in my Replacement Journey is a scheduled Cataract Surgery. The Good Book. AKA The Bible, talks about as some of the people mentioned aged…their Eyes Grew Dim. I can sure relate to that.
After some extensive investigations into that piece of my anatomy, some options were given to me and the Boss Lady. We selected the least invasive choice. Time will tell IF the procedure will be successful. But the real dilemma that comes to my mind is these two combative thoughts: Will I See Better and/or will I Look Better?
After the “miles” on my face from more than enough long and hot days in La Brasada, whether building fence, showing ranches, or working livestock, there is not much “good looking” left, IF there was any in the first place! For most of my life, my photo was the one that would have been used in the BEFORE category for Improve Your Looks advertisements. So that question is not much of a debate.
On the other hand, it sure will be nice to SEE better. In my early days, wearing glasses became a norm at age 14. With those spectacles I measured 20/15 on the vision chart. And that blessing continued for many years, before beginning to slowly decline.
Now to be sure, I am not at the “Seeing Eye Dog” stage just yet, but it sure would be good to have sharper and clearer images of many of those things I like to see out in La Brasada and Life in General.
There is an old saying about pigs getting fat and hogs getting slaughtered that comes to mind when I ponder this upcoming Procedure. And in my Feeble Old Mind, the opinion is clear. I will be grateful just to receive the Blessing of Seeing Better and leave the other one to more deserving folks!