“GIFT OF HOPE” was established in 2015. Mark Kidd Insurance Company donated a street banner across Highway 173 advertising our presence. Devine News provided the advertising, Boehle signs in Hondo provided signs and posters. The Elementary school provided a penny drive that collected over one thousand dollars. Many local businesses provided donations. The list goes on and on.
“GIFT OF HOPE” has raised over $80,000 to help families in need due to life-threatening diseases. Sickness happens when least expected. Tragedies occur. People are never ready for financial hardships. Through donations and volunteer efforts, “GIFT OF HOPE” has helped many.
Jessie Esch, kidney failure, now deceased, Becky Gonzales, stroke, a precursor to kidney failure, Cindy Langley, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), a disorder of blood coagulation resulting in loss of limbs, Joyce Haas, Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS), attacks the nerve system-immune system, now deceased. Bryleigh Shullanberger suffers from Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD), a terminal disease that attacks nerves and muscle behavior and paralysis. Karlee Riser suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (MSA), a terminal disease that causes weakness and wasting away of voluntary muscles.
“Covid” put a damper on our fundraiser in 2020. We managed to publish a “DSLC” GIFT OF HOPE Cookbook. The cookbook is dedicated to all of those we have helped in the past. We provided each story of the chosen candidates in the cookbook. Doug Haass provided “Joyce Haass” last breakfast she had before she passed. Cindy Morales, owner of “A Bushel and A Peck,” has allowed us to sell our cookbook in her store, 501 Teel Dr., Devine, TX.
On July 24, 2021, we will have a Golf Tournament in Hondo, Tx. The tournament will take place at 1: 00 PM at the Hondo Golf Course, a two-person scramble, $60.00 per person, includes green fee, door prizes, ½ cart, and dinner. To sign up, call Pro-Shop, 830-741-4653.
I am asking you to please consider donating $50 to be a hole sponsor for the tournament. Besides helping out this worthy cause, you’ll also be able to advertise the name of your business/organization. If you would like to donate or want more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Robert Cappella at 210-771-7484 or Marla Cappella at 210-363-2718.
You can mail or drop off donations at Divine Savior Lutheran Church, 405 Ingram Rd, Devine, TX. 78016. Our past events have been successful, thanks mainly to the help and support from people and organizations like you. We are a non-profit, charitable organization and will be happy to provide you with a donation receipt no later than January 31st of the following year. Please feel free to contact Robert Cappella with any questions.
“Gift of Hope” Golf Tournament is dedicated to Jesse Esch and Joyce Haass. God’s Blessings.