Medina County Tax payers over the age of 65 may see additional tax bills due July 1– 1,600 accounts had to be manually corrected
By KK Calame
Several computer errors in trying to allow for the new $100,000 homestead exemption caused additional tax bills for some Medina County taxpayers over the age of 65 or disabled and major frustration for all involved from the tax staff to the taxpayers. If you got an additional tax bill for 2023 it is real and needs to be paid by July 1. Be sure to make payment arrangements. It applies to all School district taxes for anyone with a freeze.
We asked Melissa Lutz, the Medina County Tax Assessor/Collector, to help explain what happened, why, and who it affected. She explained as follows:
The original issue was due to the freeze adjustments for the School districts not being figured correctly.
The Homestead exemption in 2023 was raised from…