Finalizing plans for Homecoming 2019 was the main agenda item for the Oct. 6th meeting of the board of the Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association.
The DExSTA board and class representatives for the DHS class of 1969 went over the schedules for activities for the Friday night Warhorse football game on November 1st, and the Homecoming Main Event on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, starting at 1:00pm at the Devine Student Activity Center. These events are for anyone who is an ex-student or ex-teacher from any of the Devine schools.
This year’s Homecoming is extra special for the DHS Class of 1969 because it will be their 50th Reunion! That is a long time, but you would not know it by their class reps, who are enthusiastic about their up-coming celebration. They are looking forward to seeing their former classmates from their class, as well as friends from the classes above and below theirs.
If you would like a registration sheet for Homecoming weekend or more information about the times and events, check out the Facebook page for the Devine Ex-Students/Teachers Association, or contact Nancy Saathoff at 210-289-6205 by text or call or email her at
Please make plans to join us for a special weekend of Homecoming Friendship & Fellowship with your former classmates and Teachers on November 1-2, 2019!