Lytle CommunityPep Rally Aug14

Jerel Beaty-Staff Writer
Lytle High School Gymnasium is the place to be Wednesday, August 14 as the community is invited to celebrate the beginning of new school year and sports seasons. Recognition of football, volleyball, and Cross Country teams as well as acknowledgement of band members, training staffs, dance teams, and cheerleading squads is on the fun-filled agenda as well as some motivational speeches by local community members. It begins at 6:00pm! Don’t be late!

2024 Back to School Convocation and Luncheon Aug. 12

We invite Lytle businesses and organizations to plan for a table display and join us for a meal at our welcome back luncheon on August 12, at Lytle High School Gym. Doors will open for guest set up at 9:30am and employees will be able to stop by your booths and tables from 10:30am-1pm. Please contact for more information. If you plan to join us, register here:

Lytle Pirate Athletics

Mandatory Parent Meeting Thursday August 1st at the High School Auditorium at 6pm. This is for all parents that have an incoming 7-12 male/female student athlete participating in athletic for the 2024-25 school year. For more information, please contact: Athletic director-Lori Wilson (, Boys AC/HFC -Mike Trevino (

Lytle Primary School

All students, both new and returning must register online for the new school year! If you haven’t registered yet, get started today at
Meet the Teacher is August 7th from 4pm-6pm. Student must be registered and cleared by August 5th to attend. Please plan on bringing your child’s school supplies with you. This gives teachers time to sort and prepare your child’s supplies for the first day of school. If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to do so as soon as possible so that you can attend! Pre-K students do not have a supply list, but will need a backpack, and a small blanket for nap time. Student must be registered and cleared by August 9th to attend the first day of school on August 13th.

Dr. Dustin Breithaupt to lead Lytle Pirates into new school year

Dr. Dustin Breithaupt will serve as the new Superintendent of Schools at Lytle ISD and brings 24 years of experience in public education. He is pictured here with Mrs. Michelle Carroll Smith who recently retired and celebrates 50 years as a Lytle Pirate!

By Lorrianne Migura
Lytle ISD Public Relations Director / Advanced Media Instructor
With the new school year is just around the corner, Lytle ISD is proud to introduce the 2024-2025 District Leadership Team. Read about their service and experience as educators, and their vision and hopes for supporting and leading our school community.

Continue reading “Dr. Dustin Breithaupt to lead Lytle Pirates into new school year”

Lytle ISD approves 4% raises

Gonzalez named “Honorary Lytle Pirate”

By Brianna Paredes
Devine News Intern
The Lytle School Board held its regular meeting, May 20, 2024 at 6:00 P.M, taking action on several important agenda items including a 4% raise for employees.
Board members Jeremy Davenport, Bobby Duty, LeAnna Mask, Alan Brown, Bobby Sollock, Reagan Wagner were the 6 board members in attendance this evening.
Board votes for 4% raise
The Board concluded the meeting on a newsworthy note by going back to the agenda item regarding the compensation plan, which resulted in approving a 4% raise for all Lytle ISD employees.
“I would like to commend the Lytle ISD Board of Trustees for honoring the education profession with…


Lytle looks to upgrade buses

By Brianna Paredes
Devine News Intern
This report summarizes some of the actions taken by the Lytle School Board at its regular meeting, May 20, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. Jeremy Davenport, Bobby Duty, LeAnna Mask, Alan Brown, Bobby Sollock, Reagan Wagner were the 6 board members in attendance this evening.
District Fleet Inventory
Lytle School District is currently running 13 different routes every day through the utilization of 15 buses. However, some buses are reserved for short distances within district grounds. The board noted it’s in the district’s best interest to add a couple more new buses with plans to retire a few significantly aged busses though it’s not in the budget this year. It was noted that there are 6 buses on the road without seatbelts every day, due to…


Lytle ISD

Discusses grants and quotes for large expenditures

By Brianna Paredes
Devine News Intern
At its regular meeting, May 20, the Lytle School Board considered and approved many expenditures and grants covering everything from safety initiatives to architecture on new bond projects.
Quote for Fencing Mesh from Pioneer
The COPS SVPP grant allows for a Fencing Mesh, which according to William Cross is “a mesh stream that applies to our existing chain link because some of our chain link.” Cross stated “this will make it non-scalable, so it will keep our facilities safe.” This will be arranged around the elementary, cafeteria, and the primary. Cross clarifies the purpose of the fencing as to “keep people out” of school grounds, where it can comparably be of use to also “keep students in”. Costs are estimated at $67,759. This motion was passed.
Quote from Flexile Systems
A multi-million dollar SAFE Cycle 1 grant will aide in network infrastructure, allowing for updating UCS servers, virtual servers, and battery backup. Considering it has been around five years since the last installation, conditions call for a replacement at the cost of $289,884.78. At this, Jeremy Davenport moves to approve the quote, Bobby Duty seconds, accepting the quote from…