Blue Santa accepting toy donations

The Lytle Police “Week in Review”…..43 calls for police service (that’s a soft week for us). Officers conducted 77 traffic stops, 55 citations and 22 warnings. Typically if the call volume is low, it will free up time for traffic enforcement activities. Of course there are other factors too; such as staffing levels, the weather, other workload or if we get lazy.
We only had one arrests, and it was a “cite and release” for drug paraphernalia. Only one property crime, yes it was at the H.E.B. Plus. Alert partners stopped a fellow who tried to make off with 3 inflatable decorations (a reindeer, a puppy and a penguin). Our thief left empty handed. With such little activity to report, how is a fellow like me supposed to create an entertaining and clever weekly report?
Blue Santa is in full swing, the Lytle Chamber of Commerce heads it up and they do a great job. There are various locations around town that are accepting new, unwrapped toys. The police department is one of those, feel free to drop something off. The police and fire department will be delivering items the weekend before Christmas. I know it is a busy time of year, but it would be great if you could help out with a gift. I promise that I won’t sift through them and pick out the good stuff for myself.
I have received several personal attacks because I am late putting out Christmas lights at my house. To them I say “I am working on it.” We have some real humdinger displays on my street this year and I see the disappointment in people’s eyes as they pass my house most likely saying under their breath “The Grinch must live there.”