How would you like to hit this at 70mph?

It’s a dangerous trip going from Devine to Hondo on Hwy 173, and the holes in the Biry area are some of the worst.
We hope that state leaders will be able to secure the emergency funds needed to fix it as the temporary patching does not seem to last long.
Hwy 173 has heavy traffic all day long and it is just a matter of time before someone gets hurt.

It’s no secret that Hwy 173 between Devine and Hondo is in need of a big rehab. Continue reading “How would you like to hit this at 70mph?”

Devine ISD calls for $13.9M bond election; priorities include 3 safe office vestibules, 10 classrooms, small gym, and tennis courts

The Devine ISD Board called for a $13.9 Million Bond Election and a school board trustee election, both to be held jointly with the City of Devine on Saturday, May 4, 2019.
Continue reading “Devine ISD calls for $13.9M bond election; priorities include 3 safe office vestibules, 10 classrooms, small gym, and tennis courts”