A good day

I turned on two sprinklers in the heat of the day this Saturday. Tucker’s response: “Oh Wow! I’m sure going to have a good day!” He immediately started shedding most of his clothing and was smiling and soaked within a couple seconds.
In the midst of all the sprinkling fun, a precarious yellow butterfly flew into the yard and it dived up and down, round and round the yard with Tucker in an intense pursuit. It seemed to be egging Tucker on. He was trying so hard to catch the butterfly; I thought he would get dizzy and fall over. Definitely one of those moments when I wished I had a video camera handy. Of course as soon as I pulled it out, the butterfly flew up and over the fence. Camera shy I guess.
Anyway I’m sure high noon was the worst time to water the grass, but it sure seemed like the best time to water the kids! Tucker ran back and forth and round and round hopping over the sprinklers for an hour at least. It was so hot I’ll admit I had to jump in.