Having only lost 2 games all season, both to Crystal City, the 7th Grade Maroon Fillys looked to continue their winning season with a victory over the visitors from Pearsall. In the early part of the game, Pearsall was able to keep pace with Devine, but that would be short-lived.
After halftime, Devine continued to play the solid defense that helped them take over the game, but this time it was solid half court defense instead, creating opportunities for defensive rebounds and turnovers. After 3 quarters, the score was 43-10.
In the fourth quarter it was much of the same resulting in a 55-12 final score.
The Maroon FIllys advanced to 7-2 in district and 11-2 for the season they will play their final game at Carrizo Springs on Thursday January 30th.
Rebounds: Anna Cale Harrison 2, Natalie Valle 3, Airyanna Rodriguez 4, Katie Rios 3, Oakley Malone 2, Skylar Blanton 6, Hannah Brumate 3, Maddie DuBose 13. Steals: Harrison 1, Lynn Lawler 2, Valle 5, Rodriguez 3, Rios 2, Malone 2, Blanton 2, DuBose 1. Assists: Harrison 3, Lawler 3, Valle 1, Rodriguez 1, Rios 2, Malone 2 Blanton 1. Points: Harrison 4, Valle 7, Rodriguez 4, Rios 9, Malone 4, Blanton 19, Brumage 4, DuBose 4. Q1 8-6, Q2 27-8, Q3 43-10, Q4 55-12.
Courtesy Coach Julie Oropeza