We knocked out 73 calls for service this past week, that’s a lot for us. It was a good mix of police activity, if there is such a thing. Officers conducted 29 traffic stops which resulted in 18 citations and 11 warnings. It’s time for our “Summer Bonus”, that means school is out and traffic patterns and volumes change a lot (for the better) on our surface streets. For IH-35, no such luck. That road is always busy and seems busier during the summer as everyone is travelling. We only have a little more than a mile we are responsible for, but you would be surprised what can happen in that little stretch.
Sgt. Hanson was a busy fellow this past week, he made all 4 of our arrests. All were for out-of-county warrants, and included a misdemeanor B warrant out of Travis Co., a felony burglary warrant out of Frio Co., a felony domestic violence warrant of Bexar Co. and a felony narcotics warrant out of Bexar Co. One was the result of a disturbance call and the other 3 were from traffic stops.
Property crimes were varied and fairly interesting. Somebody passed a fake $50 bill at the donut shop! So if you see our cars there a lot it is because we are following up on our investigation and we want to be very thorough. On Saturday night somebody drove off with the golf cart that the HEB C-Store uses to haul stuff around. Capt. Reyes located it the next day abandoned next to the railroad tracks on the north end of the city. I guess the battery gave out and the thief took to walking, or he parked it there and hopped on the train. Lt. Dear took a report of two vehicles that were vandalized, both were victims of a spray paint attack. One was parked at the Whataburger and the other was parked at Days Inn. The crime of the week occurred at the Pumphouse Carwash. Some highly trained crook broke into the vacuum, only they didn’t break into the part that has the money. They broke into the part where the tras h goes! It is unknown at this time if any dirt or debris is missing.