This last rain spell put 1.9 inches of stuff in the gauge out round Black Creek. Brings us to 6.4 inches for the year. According to the local Extension Agent guru Ronnie Outlaw, there is sufficient sub-surface moisture to sustain the above ground grasses necessary for livestock to make it into mid-summer. That’s enough proper English.
Just a buncha vacating and re-platting going on at the last Court meeting and some contract renewals. We did get a report from our Financial Advisor on the timing of the issuance of Certificates of Obligation for our capital improvements but, the amount was not discussed. Once we get the figures from the architects, we can plug in the cost of both the Jail Expansion and the Courthouse Annex.
On next week’s Agenda is a Public Hearing to discuss increasing the speed limit from 35 MPH TO 45 mph CR 664 from FM 1343 to FM 463. If you wanna show up and voice concerns, positive or negative, be there at the 10 o’clock session on the 23rd. Seems speed limits are just suggestions cause nobody conforms and there is not a lot of enforcement. Speeding is gonna be the next wave of complaints received when we finish widening and paving the road.
Work on the 2019-2020 Budget will start June 6th and will be the subject of several meetings through August until its adoption in September.
We are scheduled to begin paving CR 664 on Monday the 20th. There will be delays and debris and machinery and flagmen up and down the road for a couple of days. For those who are impatient and believe that their aura has been damaged due to delays and obstructions, take a different route, plan for a few extra minutes on your commute and look at some uncommon scenery.
We still have the tire collection van in place and are open from 6-4:30 Monday through Thursday at the Rose Hill yard. The van and the Refuse Collection Station (dump) will move to the SH 173 location along with us. Once we have finished our paving project, the move and other projects will be our focus.
Congratulations to Quentin Zapata for working on his specialty for 4 years culminating in a State Championship and a School record in the 110 meter HH to finish off his Senior year. Not a lotta folks get to add memories like this to their High School resume.
Ain’t seen nary a pancake or a fried egg or even the smell of coffee coming outta Esther Harrell’s house since we started work on the road in front of her place. “I’ll fix you breakfast” she said. Guess the promise of breakfast was just an attempt to bribe her local Elected Official. Well, we’re gonna leave the stretch of road in front of her house UN-paved now. Heard she was in the hospital for a while so, guess I gotta give her a little slack.