Natalia Police Chief Valerie Naff said one student has been charged with Terroristic Threat in connection to the events that unfolded in Natalia last Friday.
“A junior high student was charged with Terroristic Threat, which is a 3rd degree felony. It’s a very serious offense,” Chief Naff said. “There was never a weapon on campus, but we have to take these threats very seriously.”
“If you ever see or hear anything, please report it directly to the school or to police, rather than posting it online or texting your friends. Not coming directly to the school or police leads to a serious delay in handling the matter.”
Superintendent Harry Piles stated, “The recent tragedy in Uvalde has reminded us of the importance of safety and security in our schools. We want to assure our families that our district has an updated emergency operations plan.
“There were rumors and concerns brought to the district’s attention that have been investigated by the district and law enforcement, and are being resolved. There was no imminent danger to the students or the staff, as the student making the comments was never on campus. I know that informing our community is essential; however, we must deal with the concern first, and then ensure that all the facts are correct instead of sharing inaccurate information too quickly. I will always strive to find a balance between the two.
“As a parent, I also understand your concern and worry for your children; with that being said, the district has listened to the community’s concerns, and to put our community at ease, the district has decided to declare today (May 27, 2022) as the last day of the 2021-2022 school year.”
Campus year-end events have been adjusted and rescheduled. Graduation will continue as scheduled.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022- Elementary Awards & Kinder Commencement in the High School Gym 5:30 PM
Wednesday, June 1, 2022- High School Awards for Seniors in the High School Gym 6:00 PM
Thursday, June 2, 2022- JH Awards in the High School Gym
6th grade @ 5:00 PM
7th grade @ 6:00 PM
8th grade @ 7:30 PM
Friday, June 3, 2022- High School Graduation Practice on the Mustang Stadium10:00 AM
Saturday, June 4, 2022- Graduation Commencement at the Mustang Stadium 8:00 PM
The district reminds citizens and students, “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.”
There is an Anonymous Alerts line found on the district website.