MVISD asking for High School #2, Ag and Jr. ROTC Facility, safety and traffic improvements all part of $376 Million Dollar Bond

At the February 6, 2023 Special Called Board Meeting the MVISD School Board voted to order a bond election on May 6, 2023 in the amount of $376 million with a tax increase of 2.8 cents.
To see the additional cost to your existing tax bill, visit and plug in your home value into the calculator. Details of the bond as well as drawings of what the new high school and traffic improvement will look like are on the website also.
Early voting is from April 24 to May 2, with the election day of May 6, 2023.
The breakdown of the bond:
High School #2 – $323M
Safety & Security Enhancements – $5M
Traffic Improvements – $4M
Agricultural & Jr. ROTC Facility – $14M
Land Purchases – $30M
These bond projects were brought to the board for consideration based on extensive community input by a diverse group of citizens throughout the district. The MVISD Community Bond Advisory Committee, made up of 30+ community members, met regularly throughout the last few months, with the main goal of addressing the district’s fast-growth.
Currently MVISD has an enrollment of 7,700 and is expected to double in size by 2032. Medina Valley ISD covers about 300 square miles and is located west of San Antonio. The proud students of MVISD come from Castroville, La Coste, Rio Medina, Dunlay, Mico, parts of San Antonio, and surrounding areas. The District has approximately 7,700 students with eight campuses: five elementary, two middle, and one high school. Over the past several years, Medina Valley has consistently seen growth in student enrollment with an increase of 7% – 10% new students every year. The District consistently outscores all State averages in accountability ratings and testing, producing well-rounded career-minded students. The school community is constantly evolving from year to year with new state-of-the-art facilities and building additions. The District excels in all academic and extracurricular activities and has a large fan base for all activities.
MVISD has added more than 1,000 students over the last year.
2032-2033 Projected Enrollment is 15,628.
There are currently 50+ active subdivisions and 10+ future subdivisions in MVISD.
Projections show an additional 3,800 students over the next five years.
Medina Valley ISD covers close to 300 square miles.
There are 24,921 projected future homes in MVISD.
Medina Valley ISD is an A Rated School District by TEA.
Medina Valley ISD has earned the highest rating possible on the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas for the past 20 consecutive years.