Medina Electric awarded Devine Volunteer Fire Department with a truck from the cooperative as part of the larger Community Empowerment Program.
According to CEO Mark Rollans, “In the rural areas where many of our members live, local volunteers do an amazing job of keeping people safe, and they often do so with resources stretched thin. We are just happy we can offer this program to support these local VFDs and the people that they, and we, serve.”
Devine VFD serves approximately 8,352 people in Medina County. The awarded truck, a 2012 Ford F-250, will be used in the department’s Rehab Program to assist with recovery when firefighters are on a large scene such as a grass or structure fire. The Rehab area is a cool down and assessment station where the firefighters check in, remove their gear to cool down and vitals are taken to ensure they are fit to return to the scene-critical to ensure the health and safety of the firefighters.
When cooperative vehicles are retired from the fleet, they are generally sold at auction. In 2015, the board of directors made the decision to begin donating appropriate trucks to volunteer fire departments that offer service in one the 17 counties served by the cooperative.
Past recipients of retired trucks offered through this program have included Sabinal VFD, Nueces Canyon VFD, Reagan Wells VFD, Christine VFD, El Cenizo VFD, Atascosa-Bexar County Line VFD, Bigfoot VFD and Charlotte VFD.
If you’re interested in learning more about this program or submitting an application if vehicles are available next year, visit MedinaEC.org/VehDonation.
About Medina EC
Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative that provides service to more than 32,000 meters across nearly 11,000 square miles in 17 South Texas counties. Medina EC was established in 1938 to meet the great need for electricity in the area. If you would like more information on Medina EC, visit MedinaEC.org, or follow them on www.facebook.com/MedinaEC, Twitter @MedinaECtalks or Instagram (OurMEC).
Medina EC serves members in Atascosa, Brooks, Dimmit, Duval, Edwards, Frio, Jim Hogg, Kinney, LaSalle, McMullen, Medina, Real, Starr, Uvalde, Webb, Zapata and Zavala counties. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.