Saying Devine Volunteer firemen are worn out is an understatement. They have responded to a string of nine brush fires beginning Saturday, July 20th. Most of the fires have broken out along I-35.
“Most of the fires are starting from vehicles that are dragging something that starts sparking on the highway. A couple of the fires may have been from cigarette butts thrown out the window as well,” said Devine VFD Chief Mike Walker.
“On Thursday, July 25th, we had three calls back to back. We assisted Frio County with a fire around 1:30 and then as soon as we got back to the station we were toned out to help with a brush fire in Hondo around 3:30.Then we had to run to Enterprise in Devine for a third call around 4:30. It was a hard day,” Chief Walker said.
Firemen respond to nine grass fires since July 20