ESD4 to increase tax rate by 57%, public hearing set forAugust 20 on tax increase

By Kathleen Calame
Publisher, The Devine News
The Medina County ESD4 which provides emergency medical services ( EMS) to Devine, Natalia , Pearson and parts of Lytle is wanting to increase taxes by 2.85 cents per $100 value which computes to an increase change of 57% over last year’s tax rate according to a public notice they published last week. Tax on an average homestead will have a change increase of $64 ($87.94 +64.35= $152.29) or 73% increase it explains.
The need for more tax money comes even after the ESD started receiving the additional extra sales tax money that voters approved last year, approximately $10,000 per month. The checks have been rolling in monthly since February 2024, $61,000 in the first half of the year. It was thought that with the extra sales tax combined with the money they have been setting aside in accounts for major investments, the ESD would be able to start their own ambulance service in Devine themselves and start building a new station in Natalia. Apparently it isn’t enough for the visions planned, so back to the taxpayers.
Many years ago Devine had their own ambulances and volunteers and billed for services but couldn’t make it financially.

Then the ESD4 was created which is taxpayer funded. At various points the ESD ran the service themselves with donated ambulances. Later hired Medina Valley EMS/ being run by Mike Ferris. MVEMS was contracted at that time by MCESD-1 (Castroville), 3 (Hondo) and 4 (Devine/Natalia) with the name Medina County EMS on the side of the ambulances. That venture failed and was investigated.
Next the ESD4 turned to contracting it out to large private companies first it was Acadian, then AMR, then Allegiance. The ambulances and supplies were given to the private business owners of Acadian to use as they wish as they were the new contractor to provide EMS services for MCESD4. The ESD kept the building and still owns it today.
Currently Allegiance uses the building for their employees and ambulances, and is our current provider, at a cost of $210,000 yearly (2023 rate) until the ESD launches their own in less than 7 weeks as planned. Allegiance provides us with two 24 hour ambulances (one in Devine 24 hours, and the other 24 hour ambulance splits time with 12 hours in Natalia during daytime and then around 6 pm moves back to Devine for the evening hours.)
The hope for a third truck has been on the horizon for many years, but the community was told there was not enough funds for a third ambulance.
We can only hope the new service will have the funds for a third ambulance. More money, more service?
An employee hiring fair was hosted in July.
ESD4 plans to launch their own ambulance service October 1 instead of using a contractor like they have for many years. The announcement was made months ago. A director of operations was hired a few months ago.
So ambulances must be bought or rented, supplies purchased, employees hired, accounting programs bought, employee benefits set up etc. All the things a business must do to get started with its own human resources and equipment to do the job. Since it is a taxpayer funded service, the board can increase or decrease taxes yearly to meet their needs up to a maximum tax rate of 10 cents per $100 value. The percentage of increase determines whether or not an election must be held.
The ESD plans to charge customers for the service calls to help with expenses as well.
An election is not required this time, just a public hearing since the tax isn’t higher than the “de mimimis rate” of .0785 per $100 value.
The Public Hearing on the Tax Increase will be on August 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Devine EMS building, 206 Dixon Dr, Devine, Tx. Citizens will be allowed at the public hearing to voice their concerns about the tax rate and increase and ask questions. (See for the Public Notice of the Hearing for additional details, audits and reports.)
Board members are Anthony Martin, Viola Potter, Juan Zamora and George Moralez. There is a seat open as Shelly Watson resigned in July from the board. Christy Merendon is the District Coordinator.
“We need the extra 2 cents to start the EMS,” said President of ESD4 Tony Martin. “ Since initiating the Emergency Service District (ESD) #4, the goal of all commissioner’s has been to provide the people in our service area the availability of the best medical care at a fair cost. In working towards this having our own Emergency Medical Service (EMS) is a positive action in lieu of having a contract with a private service. As with starting any business there are costs involved with the start-up, but our long-term goal remains steadfast to offer the best for the people in the community,” Martin said.
Another project they are looking to fund is a new EMS station to be built in Natalia, a two story building with an elevator. It would serve as the second location for the EMS crews and ambulances. Currently they use part of the fire department property courtesy of the Natalia VFD during the daytime.
If you know of someone interested in being on the board contact any of the board members or President Tony Martin at 210-367-1295 or email him at
If you have questions or concerns about the tax increase or what changes the ESD is planning, attend the August 20 meeting at 6:30 pm in the EMS building. Come to the meeting if you would like to know what the new plans are for EMS service. Many people have volunteered for years to keep the service going and know the importance of this next step.
Concerns or questions can be sent by email to: