East Medina acquires 16.2 million gallons of new water

By Anton Riecher
East Medina County Special Utility District has acquired the rights to an additional 50 acre-feet of water with the approval of the Edwards Aquifer Authority, EMCSUD Superintendent, Bruce Alexander, reported at a Dec. 19 meeting of the East Medina board of directors.
One acre-foot of water is equal to 325,851 gallons. It is the amount needed to cover an acre of land with one foot of water.
“We generally say that’s about 100 or so water connections,” Alexander said.
EMCSUD entered into a contract to purchase the water rights listed as restricted by the EAA several months ago. On Nov. 12, the EAA board took action to allow the property owners to remove the restriction on those rights, making it possible for EMCSUD to move forward with the final acquisition.
In other business, the EMCSUD board approved a resolution to renew its drought contingency plan and critical period management rules as required by EAA.
“It’s up to each individual utility to determine what type of restrictions we place on our customers to meet EAA cutbacks,” Alexander said.
The state requires that this action be renewed every five years. EMCSUD last renewed its plan in 2014. Since the district is currently seeking funding from the Texas Water Development Board for $2.3 million for an interconnection between the Unit Two water plant and Creekwood Ranches subdivision, immediate action to renew was necessary.
Alexander also updated the board on the status of $500,000 in Texas Department of Agriculture community development…

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