July 27
3:41 PM – Complainant in the 300 block of Harralton Cir. reported a blue Chevy hatchback driving around the Heritage Park subdivision. Unable to locate.
5:40 PM – Officer assisted DPS with traffic control for a major accident on Hwy. 173.
11:00 PM – Complainant in the 100 block of Fernandez Ave. stated she heart something in her back shed. Officers patrolled the area, unable to locate. All was okay.
11:30 PM – Complainant in the 700 block of N. Windy Knoll Dr. reported seeing a tall male in her backyard by her vehicle that ran away when he saw the complainant. Officer patrolled the area, unable to locate. All was okay.
July 28
1:00 AM – Officer checked to see if a vehicle in the 500 block of Jack Nicklaus with its interior light on had possibly been burglarized. All was okay. Officer made contact with the owner and the vehicle was secured.
6:30 AM – A male subject was at PD asking for assistance at a residence on CR 6612. A Medina County Deputy was contacted. Male transported by EMS.
8:38 AM – Officer served a female subject in the 700 block of Curtis Ave. with a Medina County warrant for failure to appear aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The female subject was transported to Medina Regional Hospital to be checked out, then jailed.
8:30 PM – Officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Howard Wallace. A male complainant didn’t want a female subject at his residence. The female subject left before officers’ arrival. The complainant was not being cooperative and appeared intoxicated.
8:50 PM – Officers dispatched to the 300 block of CR 672 W. in reference to four armed male subjects fighting with each other and shooting at each other. Officers made location and provided cover and support.
9:30 PM – A Walmart employee informed officer that two males had the odor of marijuana. Officer made contact; no action taken.
July 29
10:39 AM – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of Webb Ave. in reference to a male subject on location refusing to leave. The subject was jailed for criminal trespass.
9:05 PM – Complainant in the 100 block of Renfro Dr. spoke to officer in reference to being asked to move out. Complainant was referred to Constable’s office.
July 30
9:53 PM – Officer dispatched to the 400 block of W. Park Ave. in reference to a male on a bike in the area flashing light into cars. Unable to locate.
July 31
12:00 PM – Complainant reported bricks in the roadway in the 600 block of E. Hondo Ave. All was okay, bricks were not in the road when officer arrived.
2:07 PM – Caller in the 700 block of Curtis Ave. advised two Hispanic male subjects were inside the home without homeowner’s permission. Officers made location, unable to locate male subjects. Home secured.
2:45 PM – A male subject in a blue Ford pickup truck in the 100 block of Dixon Dr. was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia.
10:45 PM – Officer responded to request for an additional unit out with a suspicious van call in the 1800 block of Hwy. 173 N. Upon arrival, deputy made location and officer returned to the city.
11:24 PM – Complainant in the 900 block of Hwy. 132 behind a black Jeep with a possible intoxicated driver. The vehicle made a u-turn and headed back towards Natalia.
August 1
10:56 AM – Complainant in the 100 block of W. Malone Dr. reported golf carts were missing from the cart barn. They were taken by person(s) unknown.
6:44 PM – Officer dispatched to the 300 block of Fox Run in reference to a male subject soliciting in the area.
6:45 PM – Officers dispatched to the 600 block of E. Hondo Ave. in reference to family members arguing with the complainant.
9:14 PM – Complainant in the 100 block of W. Benton Ave. reported a piece of wall paneling that was coming off and was possibly tampered with.
10:20 PM – A male subject in the 100 block of N. Teel Dr. was jailed for violating a criminal trespass warrant issued on June 25.
August 2
9:40 PM – Officer dispatched to the 600 block of Hickory Hwy. in reference to a silver Dodge Journey parking in front of a residence possibly shining light inside of the home. Vehicle not on location when officer arrived.
11:22 AM – Officers assisted DPS with a major two-vehicle accident on IH-35 NB. Fire and EMS paged out.
12:15 PM – Major accident between two 18-wheelers on IH-35 NB.
1:23 PM – Truck broke down on IH-35 NB. Officer assisted by DPS, who provided traffic control.
1:39 PM – Complainant had a blowout on IH-35 SB and struck a blue GMC with a trailer who stopped, then departed the scene. Complainant had the vehicle towed.
7:16 PM – Officer dispatched to the 400 block of Wedgewood in reference to a civil matter between a tenant and a landlord. All was okay.