It is that time of year again. Today, May 15 at the DSAC, Devine’s athletic office is offering physicals for all students who plan to participate in an athletic competition during the 2019-2020 school year for only $20.00; cash only.
If a student is currently in last period athletics at either the middle school or high school, their physical will begin at 3:35pm. All other athletes taking advantage of this opportunity will have theirs completed directly after school on a first come, first serve basis.
Too many times, athletes who are set to begin football, volleyball, and cross country two-a-days during the following school year are not set at all due to not having a current physical on file.
Athletes cannot begin full workout until a physical is completed. Physicals can be expensive through private insurance, but Devine Athletics have doctors willing to come to Devine to do the exam on site and for a relatively low price.
Getting a physical early is also good prevention in the rare case that a student may need additional testing beyond the physical. Having a physical now could prevent a future illness or injury from happening or worsening.
On Monday, May 13, Athletic Trainer Ruben “Doc” Alston will give each athlete the necessary papers to be completed, signed at the bottom by parent or guardian, and returned on Wednesday by the athlete during their physical time.
A link to the “Physical Packet” can be found at by clicking on the High School link, the Athletic link, and scrolling to the bottom of the page to click on the “Physical Packet for 2019-2020” link at the bottom of the page.
Reminder that athletes must have an annual physical on file before he or she can begin any athletic workout. Do not be the slacker that does not take care of this necessity. Teammates and coaches are counting on each individual to be ready to go once their 2019-2020 season begins.
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer