Devine ISD postpones action on proposed 4-day school week

By Anton Riecher
With a decision required by Dec. 5, the Devine school board tabled action on moving to a four-day school week for the 2025-2026 school calendar with plans for a called meeting in the near future.
In the face of opposition from board member Renee Frieda and a quorum of only five members present for the Monday meeting, the board opted to table action until a full board could be present.
Frieda cited a lack of research on the impact on families with both parents working for her opposition. She and others also expressed concern about how the change in schedule might affect the learning routine for kindergarten and elementary students.

“I still don’t think we did our due diligence with the people who I think are the most negatively impacted,” she said.
However, a motion by Frieda to stick with a five-day school week for the coming school year died for lack of a second.
More than 2,100 public schools in 25 states have switched to a four-day school week, often in hopes of recruiting teachers, saving money and boosting attendance, researchers estimate. Rural schools facing significant teacher shortages have led the trend, choosing to take off Mondays and Fridays to give employees and students a three-day weekend.
To make up for the lost day of instruction, school officials typically tack time onto the remaining four days.
District Superintendent Todd Grandjean recommended moving to the four-day schedule, citing the need to attract and retain qualified teaching talent as the primary advantage.
“What we came down to was, in the end, it is a focus on attracting highly qualified talent and retaining the teachers that we have,” Grandjean said. “That in itself will have a positive impact on our students.”
Consequences with regard to students remain largely undetermined, he said.
“In the beginning, student performance, student attendance and student success were looked at,” Grandjean said. “We were unable to determine whether or not that had a positive or negative growth cycle.”
The district has focused on the La Vernia and Bandera school districts in its research on implementing a four-day week.
“My recommendation is to approve the four-day work week and then for you to ask us (staff) to prepare a 2025-2026 proposed academic calendar,” Grandjean said.
Frieda countered that the board is sworn to make decisions “on the basis of what is in the best interest of the kids, not parents or teachers.”
“While I can see that attracting and retaining highly qualified teachers absolutely benefits kids, at the core, this is an experiment that we don’t yet know the impact it would have on the kids,” she said.
Some of the most important components of early education is consistency and routine, Frieda said.
“When you’re teaching fundamentals to kids and they have three-day breaks instead of two-day breaks what kind of loss to we have as far as consistency,” she said.
She also expressed concern that a longer school day for younger students might mean instruction time sacrificed to facilitate more athletics and nap periods.
Responding to a question from the audience about whether the problems for parents and their work schedules board president Nancy Pepper said that district moving to a four-day week often compensate with special programs.
Unfortunately, those districts report that over time participation in those programs drop to near zero, she said.
Frieda said she grew up in a low-income family with five children and that “it would have been very problematic for my parents had they not been in school five days a week.”
“I’m raising my kids not in a low-income family and it would have been very problematic for me to determine how we would handle childcare when my child was younger,” she said.
The only solution available would have been to move the child to a different school district, Frieda said.
Other members of the board said that the need to attract qualified teachers remained a powerful incentive to move to the four-day week.
“We have core positions that we can’t fill where people are going to the districts around us with four-day weeks even though our pay is right up there with those,” board member Chris Davis said.
Pepper said that of the two missing board members – Carl Brown and Henry Moreno – one indicated support for moving to the reduced week for staffing reasons while the other remains uncommitted.
No date was set for the special meeting needed to decide the issue.

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State bound!

Photos this week by R Gonzalez and M Byrd. See lots more photos in this week’s paper.

The Lytle Pirate Band is making music and making history! The band placed 3rd in the prelims and earned a final ranking of 4th place in Finals. 
“We are over the moon excited, and so incredibly proud of these students!” said band director Joshua Chessher.
 The Pirate Band will perform in the Alamodome on Wednesday, November 6, at 10am.  If you are interested in attending in person, you can purchase tickets at
Make sure you select 3A prelims.
“ If you come, make sure you wear your “Mirror Mirror band shirt, so we can show how the state how much pride we have in Lytle!” Chessher adds.

See this week’s Devine News for tons of photos.

Lytle ISD has declared that day a holiday for all students and staff so all may attend if they wish! What a wonderful way to support the band! The day will be made up later in February. UIL State Qualifying 2024 Lytle Pirate Band members are: Maddilyn Aguinaga, Andres Arredondo, Eleah Avelar, Valentina Ayala, Auslyn Beazer, Ashley Bowman, Easton Burley, Emiliano Cardenas, Kellyahn Castano, Juju Center, Rosabella Cepeda, Santiago Contreras, Alycia Corona, Lia Corral, Gabi Cortez, Nadia Daniels, Rylee Davila, Ethan Deleon, Adam Dominguez, Alex Dominguez, Benjamin Duty, Emma Emery, Zaira Farfan, Julyana Frausto, Emily Garcia, Andrea Garza, Nathan Garza, Andrea Gomez, Valeria Gomez, Marina Gonzalez, Joshua Guerra, Jasmine Guizar, Orlando Gutierrez, Timothy Gutierrez, Micaela Heath, Ryan Hendrickson, Lidon Hernandez, Madison Hernandez, Jaxon Hunt, Nevaeh Kassin, Koby Lara, Peyton Leverton, Svetlana Lopez, Ivan Lopez-Amaya, Madelyn Maldonado, Michael Martinez, Nicole Martinez, Sophia McBride, Taryn McDonald, Journee Mendoza, Vanessa Mercado, Xoly Montealegre, Lily Morales, Brayden Morton, Nayeli Nunez, Julianna Orozco, Makayla Perales, Makenna Perales, Celeste Ramirez, Novalee Rangel, Brayan Rangel Rodriguez, Laila Reed, James Reed Iv, Federico Reyes, Isabella Reyes, Sofia Rios Garcia, David Aaron Robles, Alieha Rodriguez, Jenna Rodriguez, Reina Rodriguez, Jazmine Ruiz, Mackenzie Schultz, Madison Schultz, Isabella Sewell, Juliet Sittre, Shea Smoot, Aubrey Solis, Collin Sprenger, Noah Stech, Brooke Tollett, Richard Tollett, Alisha Van Zant, Tyler Vaughan, Camila Vega, Naomi Velazquez-Haro, Haylee Ward, and Isaac Ytuarte.

Devine & Lytle CC runners State bound!


The Lytle Pirates set their sights on going to State, and that’s exactly where they are gonna do! Pictured above are: Johnny Rey Alvarez, Lucas Salazar, Bryan Montes-Rodriguez, Diego Reyna, Yandel Esquivez, Adrian Reyna, and Nathan Garza. Photo by D Wagner.

Lytle Lady Pirate Svetlana Lopez placed 12th to qualify for the November 2 State Meet in Round Rock. Congrats! Photo by D Wagner.

Warhorse Devo Dixon ran a personal record placing 13th and punching his ticket to state! Photo by T Anderson.

Natalia ISD calls Special Meeting Oct. 10 to discuss personnel

The Agenda states: Notice of Special Meeting BOARD OF TRUSTEES Natalia ISD Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, October 10, 2024, the Board of Trustees of the Natalia ISD will hold a Special Meeting beginning at 7:30 PM at Natalia Junior High School, Cafeteria, 401 8th Street, Natalia, TX 78059.
Agenda Items 3. CLOSED SESSION A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code section 551.074 and 551.071 discussion and consultation with attorney regarding possible proposed termination of administrator term contract employee, Marshall Lee Myers. 4. OPEN SESSION A. Discuss and take possible action regarding possible proposed termination of administrator term contract employee, Marshall Lee Myers. 5. ADJOURN Dr. Lana Collavo Dr. Lana Collavo, Superintendent Eric Smith, Board President
Dr. Lana Collavo’s statement on behalf of the District: “Natalia ISD (“District”) is able to confirm that an administrator has been placed on administrative leave in accordance with established District procedure. While the District is unable to discuss specific personnel matters in public, the District can confirm that serious issues have been brought to the attention of District Administration that have been examined by a third-party, independent investigator, and there is an ongoing law enforcement investigation resulting from the same alleged actions of the administrator.  The third-party, independent investigator’s report will be considered by the School Board in closed session, and based upon the findings and recommendation of the District Administration, the Board may take action in open session.  The District is committed to handling this matter with integrity and will take any necessary, appropriate action to ensure that the District’s workplace remains a safe and comfortable working environment for all employees”.

Devine Lion’s ClubStudents of the Month

Lions District 2-A2 Governor Rose Ann Barajas, Devine Lion’s Club President Lewis Stroud and DHS Principal Juan Gonzalez with students of the month Kourtni Geyer and Jacob Sollock. The Devine Lion’s Club meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at Triple C. Contact Lewis Stroud if you would like to join.

Devine High School students Kourtni Geyer and Jacob Sollock were honored as Students of the Month at a recent Devine Lions Club meeting. Both are seniors at DHS.
Kourtni Geyer
Kourtni is number three in her class of 119 students. She is president of the student council, president of her Class of 2025, president of the National Honor Society and a member of Youth Alive. She attends church at FBC Devine and is involved in the youth group. She holds a leadership position in the youth group and is the high school representative for multiple committees including children’s, youth, preschool, Lord’s Supper and baptism.
“After high school I will be attending college at Texas A&M in College Station. I will be majoring in Kinesiology and Motor Behavior. After taking 1 ½ to 2 years of pre-requisites, I will apply to the Texas A&M School of Nursing and attend for two years. This will allow me to become a registered nurse in just 4 years or less. While working as a nurse, I plan on eventually becoming a nurse practitioner,” said Geyer.
She is the daughter of Sue Geyer.

Continue reading “Devine Lion’s ClubStudents of the Month”


DHS Band Blast from the Past Pictures! Bill Bain was the John Phillip Sousa Award winner in 1963. Bass Drum with new Warhorse logo from the mid-1970s. DHS Band picture from the 1974-75 school year.

Nov. 8 & 9

*All former Devine Band members will be honored at Homecoming this year! You will be recognized in the stands at the HC football game on Friday night, Nov. 8th then again on Saturday, Nov. 9th at the VFW, you will be honored at the DExSTA HC Social, starting at 1:00pm. Come join us and bring pictures or old uniforms, music, etc, for our Band Memory table. If you were ever in the band, no matter how recently, or how long ago – this is for you!! Should be fun to catch up with others and see how the band has changed over the years! Pass this info on to your former band classmates too! See you on Nov. 8-9!
*For more information about this, contact Nancy Ehlinger Saathoff ’75 at 210-289-6205 or or on the FB page for the Devine Ex-Students Teachers Association.

Elementary enrollment in Devine still lags behind pre-COVID numbers

By Anton Riecher
Enrollment at John J. Ciavarra Elementary remains below pre-COVID numbers with 489 students presently attending, elementary principal Magdalena Strickland reported to the Devine ISD school board on Sept. 16.
Strickland, who has been principal at Ciavarra for three years, said that enrollment during her first year on campus stood at between 520 to 530 students.
“Our goal was always above 98 percent (capacity) but after COVID it has been kind of hard to get our attendance back up,” Strickland said. “Right now we are holding steady at 93.15 precent.”
Families frequently having to move makes it difficult to establish a steady enrollment figure over a length of time, she said. At least 46 students on the Ciavarra enrollment list have some type of military connection.
Among programs that Ciavarra utilizes to improve student performance is the Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative, a shared service agreement between the 20 Educational Service Centers across Texas. TCMPC reflects the combined effort of the ESCs to help schools operate more efficiently and cost effectively.
Ciavarra also utilizes the Character Strong curriculum program that supports students in developing important skills and character traits necessary for success in life and school, Strickland said. The three main goals is teaching students to be kind, strong and well, meaning emotional regulation.
The elementary also utilizes the CHAMPS (Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation and Success) behavior management program.
“It’s a proactive approach to classroom management that helps teachers create…


Over 100 students benefit from Free career programs at Lytle ISD

By Brianna Paredes
Staff Writer
At the September 16, 2024, Lytle School Board Meeting, Jennifer Criswell, the Director of P-TECH and CTE (Career and Technical Education) briefly did a presentation about P-TECH, which is a four-year associate degree program that stands for Pathways in Technology Early College, and CTE. It combines post secondary schooling and a high school diploma. Criswell, describes the program as “a school within a school.” This program is open to all students as the enrollment decision does not go based off students’ STAAR results or discipline history.

Continue reading “Over 100 students benefit from Free career programs at Lytle ISD”

Building project plans at Natalia ISD under development, meeting times to change

By Catherine Richard
The Natalia ISD Board of Trustees approved the 2024 tax rate, altered its meeting times and began planning extensive renovations and building projects for the 6:30 p.m. meeting on August 26 in the Junior High Cafeteria.
With the money yielded from the bond program, Natalia ISD will be building up its campus, adding two additional buildings and transforming one of the wings into a library and clinic area that will replace the current building.
Pfluger Architects, the company which has been planning the projects, was represented by Senior Project Manager Braden Haley.
These projects include a new entrance wedged between the two existing classroom wings, a new play area, the demolition of the current clinic and library building and the construction of a new 11 classroom space.
Natalia ISD voters approved the $17.4 million bond for elementary improvements and the $5.5 million bond for the baseball/softball projects.
Chief appraiser Norma Friddle opened the meeting with an opportunity for the public to put forth questions on the changed budget and the altered tax rate that were published in The Devine News. Maintenance and operation had a budget increase of 3.85%, debt service increased by 9.63% and total expenditures increased by 4.35%.

This increase is also seen in student enrollment, which rose from 1,257 to 1,296 this semester.
The 2024 total tax rate of 1.1574 was approved by the board.
The president of the Board of Trustees, Eric Smith, commented to the News, “As a board it was very important that we did not recommend a tax rate hike as everyone is already on very tight budgets.”
Smith also made a motion to change the meeting time to 7 p.m. This may be a temporary measure, but it will be tried for a few meetings to see if it is more compatible with the schedules of board members, school staff and the public.
There was some public participation in this meeting.
Dodie Maddox, the mother of a Natalia High School student, addressed the board with concerns regarding the accommodation for special need students.
Maddox cited the lack of class schedules and mistakes in the course walk as disruptive to the education of her child, for whom familiarity with the schedule and classrooms would have been helpful for navigating the school. She also mentioned that her child had been signed up for classes that he did not have the prerequisites for.
“What other procedures are not being followed?” Maddox asked.
Amanda Lopez briefed the board on the Natalia ISD Mentor Program, which is designed to train teachers who are new to the school and will begin in August.
Leticia Buenrostro presented on the federal programs and funding that have been used by Natalia ISD, including Title I, Title II, Title IV and Special Education.
The programs are used to “close the academic gaps and support students who are at risk,” said Buenrostro. This can be done through additional school materials or seeing to daily needs through meal programs.
ESSER II and III funds must be used by September. Both are a part of a subgrant that was given to support schools that were affected by COVID-19. They have been used to fund extra staff.
For the expansion and renovation of the baseball and softball complex, AGCM Inc. was chosen to manage the project.

22 graduated as Summer 2024 Class of Devine Learning Academy

Devine Learning Academy graduated its biggest class yet in a ceremony that took place at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 19.
Twenty-two students received their high school diplomas, with plans for university, military service, and careers ahead of them.
Jodie Dzierzanowski, the DAEP Principal spoke at the ceremony, commending the perseverance of the graduating class.
“What I like to say is ‘life happened’ and it got them off track,” Dzierzanowski said. She discussed how students had shown a good deal of initiative in this program, since it must be sought out and balanced with the other responsibilities.
DLA was started by Devine ISD in 2020 to help young people who were unable to complete high school due to missing credits. It is designed to be flexible, functioning as an online-charter hybrid school.
It is free for students living in Devine ISD, though it is still available to other districts with tuition fees.

Continue reading “22 graduated as Summer 2024 Class of Devine Learning Academy”