The Devine Athletic Booster Club provided a catered meal and awards ceremony for varsity student/athletes to be recognized for their athletic accomplishments throughout the past school year. After a season in which seemingly every team finished the season with some type of gold or silver-plated hardware or plaque, there was plenty of accolades for coaches to hand out at last Wednesday’s Sport’s Banquet in the Devine High School Gymnasium.
Who got what?
Volleyball—Heart of a Champion-Sara Moreno; Will To Win-Alissa Stehle; Most Valuable Player-Sierra Pompa.
Arabian Cross Country—Newcomer of the Year-Kelli Geyer; Heart of a Champion-Mari Murillo; Most Valuable Runners-Murillo, Brooke Runyan, Espi Mendoza, Brianna Bernal, Brianna Bowyer, Kelli Geyer, Audrey Longoria, Yessika Garza; Most Outstanding-Brooke Runyan, Espi Mendoza.
Warhorse Cross Country—Newcomer of the Year-Roy Ortiz, Weston Byrd; Most Improved-Ismael Vera; Heart of a Champion-Christian Osorio; Most Valuable Runner-Xavier Garza.
Arabian Basketball—Most Improved-Megan Runyan; Sixth Man-Maddie Mata; Newcomer of the Year-Macey Hein; Will To Win-Sierra Pompa; Defensive Most Valuable Player-Alissa Stehle; Most Valuable Player-Preslee Quisenberry.
Warhorse Basketball—Offensive Most Valuable Player-Cash Walker; Defensive Most Valuable Player-Justin Contreras; Leadership Award-Brady Cardenas; Most Improved-Kame’ren Adams.
Fall Tennis—Most Valuable Player-Jake Harrell and Brooke Runyan.
Arabian Golf—Newcomer of the Year-Sierra Pompa; Most Improved-Paige Williamson; Will To Win-Kayla Busby; Heart of a Champion-Preslee Quisenberry; Most Valuable Golfer-Kayla Busby, Preslee Quisenberry, Shelby Spivey; Most Outstanding-Kayla Busby.
Warhorse Golf—Most Valuable Golfer-Noah Tumbarello; Most Improved-Brian Schaefer.
Arabian Powerlifting—Most Improved-Felicity Diaz, Khali Key; Iron Woman-Jessie Ramirez; Most Valuable Lifter-Aaliyah Terrazas.
Warhorse Powerlifting—Most Improved-Devin Ornelas, Demetrios Monreal; Iron Man-Kaleb Zertuche; Most Valuable Lifter-Garret Carver.
Arabian Track & Field—Newcomer of the Year-Aaliyah Terrazas; Gatorade Will To Win-Mari Murillo, Harlie Walker, Andrea Gomez; Most Valuable Runner-Alissa Stehle, Dana Aaron.
Warhorse Track & Field—Newcomer of the Year-Brady Hackebeil; Gatorade Will To Win-Donavon Camacho, Grant Collins, Tristan Ortiz; Most Valuable Runner-Guido Zapata; Devine Elite-Guido Zapata.
Arabian Softball—Stolen Base Award-Megan Runyan; Most Runs Scored-Jeannette Rios; Gold Glove-Allyson Taylor; Most Valuable Player-Jessie Ramirez.
Warhorse Baseball—Cy Young-Newt Crouch; Charlie Hustle-Ralph Rios; Silver Slugger-Dalton Kramer; Golden Glove-Chad Lawson
Spring Tennis—Most Valuable Player Preslee Quisenberry and Tobias Ramos; Leadership Award-Ralph Rios and Preslee Quisenberry; Heart and Hustle-Ralph Rios.
Football—Best Safety-Chad Lawson; Best Rover-Deme Monreal; Best Linebacker-Brady Cardenas, Sergio Martinez; Best Defensive End-Christian Gerlach; Best Defensive Tackle-Tristan Ortiz; Best Receiver-Isaiah Oropeza; Best Running Back-Donavon Camacho; Best Tight End-Jayce Hackebeil; Best Offensive Lineman-Jesus Hernandez, John Schnautz; Most Improved-Mason Perez; Fighting Heart-Grant Collins, Dakota Wofford; Defensive Most Valuable Player-Jayce Hackebeil; Offensive Most Valuable Player-Chad Lawson; Overall Most Valuable Player-Guido Zapata.
Arabian Student Fan of the Year-Noah Tumbarello
Warhorse Student Fan of the Year-Dana Aaron
Arabian Adult Fan of the Year-Alvaro Morales
Warhorse Adult Fan of the Year-Bobby Campsey
Essence of an Arabian-Alissa Stehle, Jessie Ramirez
Heart of a Warhorse-Chad Lawson
Outstanding Senior Girl Athlete-Preslee Quisenberry, Sierra Pompa
Outstanding Senior Boy Athlete-Guido Zapata
The Devine Athletic Booster Club does so many things for the Warhorse and Arabian Athletic programs. In a day and time where athletic programs are getting bigger in size and more expensive to operate while budgets for those teams continues to decrease, the DABC contributions are becoming more and more valuable with each passing school year.
If you are a parent of a student that is a high school athlete or soon will be, the DABC needs members to help in any way possible. If you are someone that can work often, they will take you. If you are someone that can only work occasionally, they will take you.
Contact any of the following for more information on how to join DABC: President-Jennifer Wofford, Vice President-Michelle Spivey, Vice President-Amanda Shook, Secretary/Treasurer-Kim Aaron.
That’s all, folks
Other than a meal and final recognition, the Devine Athletic Booster Club Sports’ Banquet gave many seniors a chance to say their final goodbyes to fellow teammates, coaches, and others that have meant so much to them during their time as an Arabian or Warhorse.
The seniors who will walk the track to receive their diploma this Friday night at Warhorse Stadium are leaving quite a legacy for future Arabian and Warhorse players and teams to emulate.
Good luck in future endeavors!
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
Arabian and Warhorse Sports Banquet recognition