We had a lot going on last week. Our routine activity included 70 calls for service.I would say that is on the high side but in the past several months it appears our average weekly calls are trending up. Our traffic stops totaled only 33. Officers issued 17 warnings and 16 citations.
Property crimes last week: Big Tex Trailers reported a dump trailer valued at almost $9,000, was acquired using a stolen credit card. We received a tip and Lt. Dear spent most of Tuesday in San Antonio tracking it down. He not only recovered our stolen trailer but he also got another that was stolen in Bexar Co. Good job Lt. Dear! I did give him low marks for not asking me if I wanted him to bring me something to eat (he drove by a lot of good places). On Thursday night, a fellow was having battery problems so he left his 2006 Blue Chevy P/U running as he went into the AutoZone. Somebody jumped in it and took off. Lastly, a vehicle owner reported that his driver’s side window was shattered while he was parked at the TXDOT Park & Ride on IH-35.
Our arrests included a female who turned herself in on an assault bodily injury warrant. The original offense took place at the Dollar General a few weeks back. Capt. Reyes and Ofc. Pena cited three juveniles for curfew violation after a 2 AM incident at the H.E.B. C-Store. A traffic stop resulted in Cpl. Robison arresting a person wanted for possession of marijuana out of La Salle Co. Sgt. Hanson observed a subject who he knew to be wanted out of Medina Co. for Sexual Assault of a Child. He was taken into custody and booked into the Medina Co. Jail. Sgt. Hanson talked to a pedestrian that requested a “ride.” Hanson checked him and he came back wanted out of Bexar Co. So he not only got a “ride,” he got a place to stay with all meals included.
Saturday was a busy day for us, we conducted a municipal court warrant round-up. The entire department was present and we started at the police station at 6 AM. All the warrants (resulting from traffic tickets) were for people who didn’t show up to court. I believe our municipal court is super easy to work with and they are very understanding (that’s a cop’s politically correct way of saying “liberal,” which is okay). With that being said, there is very little they can do to work with you if you don’t show up or contact them. When people don’t show up, the court puts all the info. together and sends it to us. By noon our officers had visited close to 100 locations in the Lytle area. In all, 19 defendants were brought before the judge, 83 warrants were cleared and $18,900 was collected by the court. There was no drama, nobody got hurt or went to jail. The only problem we had……donuts kept appearing in the break room and I must admit I wasn’t able to resist.
I headed home after the round-up and got in a quick nap. By 5:30 I was over at the Paws of Summer event and it was in full swing. It’s hard to believe this was the 10th one in a row! I remember the very first one, we had no idea how it would work out. Well, they had some good hamburgers and the Lytle VFW people even hooked me up with a fajita taco as well. It was really nice, especially since it was nice and cool inside. I think they raised around $14,000 for the animals. That’s a good night for sure. Yes, I bought a bunch of raffle tickets but didn’t win anything. There are two things you can count on about me: 1. No matter how many tickets to a raffle I buy I never win and 2. I never buy candied apples from people selling them off the busy street corners in San Antonio.
So, Saturday proved that the good people of our community can find ways to come up with the money. Whether it’s for the good of dogs and cats or to keep from going to jail for unpaid tickets.