ESD4 monthly meeting

October 9 at 7:00 pm at EMS building

The Medina County Emergency Services District # 4 will hold its regularly scheduled meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM on October 9, 2024 at the EMS station, 206 Dixon Dr. Devine, TX 78016.
An agenda has not been posted as of press time Tuesday morning, but would have to be posted by this Friday, October 4 end of the day on their website under ESD/ Agenda tab at
Jerry Beck has been approved by the Medina County Commissioners to take the vacant seat on the board.
The ESD4 decided to continue the contract with Allegiance at the last board meeting instead of starting their own EMS service at this time after a push back from the community about a proposed tax raise and unanswered questions.