
May 24
15:00PM – Complainant on Atkins Ave called in reference to suspicious vehicle. All okay, parent was waiting to pick up child from school.
21:00PM – MCSO on IH 35 called in reference to 3 vehicles at mm 122.

May 25
2:36AM – Passerby reported disturbance on Hondo Ave. No one on location had seen anything.
14:30PM – 18 wheeler parked on Oakhill Ave and cited.
May 26
18:06PM – Officer dispatched to Libold Dr for verbal disturbance between female and male.
May 27
7:13AM – Officer dispatched to IH 35 S for minor accident.
12:45PM – Complainant on Libold Dr called regarding female and male having a disturbance.
15:53PM – MCSO called in reference to light pole arcing causing flames on Libold Dr. Electric company notified.
18:27PM – Third party report of disturbance on Moore Ave. Located female and male vehicle with broken down vehicle. No disturbance.
20:24PM – Complainant on Teel Dr called in reference to suspicious vehicle parking in lot. All okay.
20:45PM – Complainant on Davis Ave called regarding male walking and knocking on neighbor’s door. Wife took him back home.
23:25PM – Complainant on Hondo Ave E called in reference to male subject on location who was asked to leave but remained on property. Male was advised to leave location.
May 28
4:30AM – Complainant on Malone Dr complained that could hear people talking on machines running. Grounds keepers on location working on greens.
8:03AM – Complainant on Ross Dr called about suspicious male wearing all black attempting to enter into unoccupied property. Officer made location and made contact with possible subject.
10:21AM – Complainant on Ross Dr called about suspicious male on property looking through storage.
11:11AM – Male subject on Ross Dr jailed for public intoxication.
19:47PM – Officer dispatched to Briscoe Ave in reference to disturbance with injury between female and male.
May 29
0:30AM – Complainant on Hondo Ave called regarding crossing arms at railroad crossing snapped in half. Union Pacific arrived at 0200 hours.
10:57AM – Complainant on Zig Zag stated that a female keeps knocking on her door and window and was now sitting in a black car. Officer made location. Unable to locate black car in parking lot.
11:50AM – Complainant wanted to report a lost wallet. Unknown exactly where it may have been lost but wanted to report it.
13:37PM – Male subject cited and released for DWLI on Hondo Ave. Late entry, occurred on 52624 at 0030 hours.
18:00PM – MCSO advised male subject on Hondo Ave making employees feel uncomfortable. Officers made contact with subject who resides at care home.
May 30
8:30AM – Complainant on Ross Ave called in reference to male subject wearing blue shorts sleeping under awning. Officer made location, ID’d male who stated he would move along, he was just resting.
15:07PM – Officer dispatched to Teel Dr for verbal disturbance between female and daughter. Daughter had already left location prior to officer’s arrival.