We still have Moderna vaccine available in the county for those that want it. If you are unable to register online or need help locating vaccine, call the Heath Unit at 830-741-6191. Online COVID-19 vaccine registration can be found at http://vaccine.medinatx.org/
The Health Unit will have a Saturday vaccine clinic this week at our new location 1206 15th St. We have Moderna vaccine available and will open more slots if needed. Many have asked if there is a charge for the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is free although providers may charge your insurance for fees related to administration of the vaccine.
The Health Unit does not charge insurance or collect your insurance information. All COVID-19 vaccines are authorized for age 18 and older. The Pfizer vaccine is authorized for people age 16 and older.
Additionally, the pause for Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been lifted and is open to those age 18 and older. HEB in Hondo has J&J doses available.
DSHS vaccine allocation list: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/immunize/vaccineallocations.aspx
Texas vaccine availability map: https://tdem.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3700a84845c5470cb0dc3ddace5c376b
Medina County COVID-19 Vaccine Data as of 4/19/2021
Total doses allocated to the county: 16,400
People vaccinated with at least one dose: 16,985
People fully vaccinated: 12,376
People 16 years of age and older: 41,263
Estimated coverage: (Percentage of people 16 years of age who are fully vaccinated) 29.99%
Percentage of population 16+ Vaccinated with at least one dose: 40.38%
Percentage of population 16+ Fully Vaccinated: 29.78%
Percentage of population 65+ Vaccinated with at least one dose: 65.49%
Percentage of population 65+ Fully vaccinated: 54.57%
DSHS COVID-19 Vaccine Information: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/covidvaccine/
COVID-19 vaccine information: https://dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/immunize/vaccine.aspx
Now that vaccine is open to all that can receive it, take the first opportunity you have to get vaccinated. There have been many doses given and it has proven itself safe and effective. People are still getting hospitalized and are still dying of COVID so get vaccinated. Parents, if you have teenagers they can get the Pfizer vaccine at age 16 and can get Moderna and J&J at age 18.
COVID-19 Case Update: As of 04/26/2021
Fatalities: 103
Active Cases: 22, up 6 from 4/18/21
NOTE: The county cannot track all local hospitalizations, or follow the “recoveries” of those residents who battled covid.