According to the most recent audit reported for the previous fiscal year, Medina County’s fiscal year 2020-2021 budget had a new taxable appraised value of $3.83 Billion, an increase of $364 million (10.5%) from the previous fiscal year (2019-2020).
This increase is mainly due to new properties and property values, according to the auditor.
-Property taxes accounted for $22,196,235
Clarification to our June 1st article on county revenues: The audit presented to Medina County Commissioner’s court last month, for the year ending September 30, 2021, showed the following:
- Medina County’s total revenues were over $36 million ($36,090,346). A breakdown of the revenues in the report titled “Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental funds for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 2021” were categorized as follows: General $23,609,346 + Debt Service $2,390,479 + Certificates of Obligation $54,572 + American Rescue Plan Grants $583,314 + Other Govermental $9,452,635 = Total Governmental Fund Revenues $36,090,346.
-The ending fund balance was $24,187, 241.
Highlights from Auditor’s financial analysis:
Differences between the original budget and the final amended budget for fiscal year ending Sept 30, 201, can be summarized as follows:
-Actual revenue exceeded budgeted revenue by $2.9 million
-Actual revenues exceeded expenditures by $4.4 million
By Kayleen Holder and KK Calame