Araujo & Estrada power Pirate Powerlifters to 2nd place in Dilley

Pirate powerlifters Luke Estrada, Evan Syma, Alfredo Cantu, Ethan Deleon, Noah Smoot, Roel Cardenas, Jaden Araujo, Jeffrey Vargas, Christopher Jacques, Isaiah Delgado, and Joshua Tschetter take 2nd place in Dilley.

Jerel Beaty
Staff writer
Lytle Head Powerlifting Coach Melissa Gomez and assistant Shelley Armentrout have the Pirate Powerlifting team on a roll.
The Pirates placed second overall in Dilley on January 22 as first place winners Jaden Araujo and Luke Estrada paced their teammates.
As expected, Gomez was excited about relaying her team’s accomplishments to their faithful followers, saying, “I am thrilled to share the results of our boys’ powerlifting meet in Dilley where we took 11 dedicated lifters who represented our team well. Seven of those lifters earned medals for their outstanding overall totals!”
Leading the way were gold medalist Araujo in the 123lb weight class with a total of 870lbs and Estrada in the 148lb weight class with a total of 1,325lbs.
The lone silver medal winner was Roel Cardenas in…

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