DHS Class of 1974 to Celebrate 50th Reunion in November

Devine High School Class of 1974 representatives, Loretta Word Geyer, Deanna Howard Kempen, Glenda Chant Allen, and DExSTA members, mailed letters to their classmates with information about their upcoming 50th Reunion activities that will take place on Homecoming weekend, Nov. 8-9, 2024. Included in the letter will be information about other Homecoming events organized by the Devine Ex-Students Teachers Association. If you are in the class of ’74, be on the lookout for your letter and contact your class reps above for more information, and make your travel plans now to be in Devine on Nov. 8-9 for the DEVINE HOMECOMING 2024!

Why summer blood drives like this one are so crucial…

Community steps up to help with critical need June 29th

On Saturday, June 29, there will be a blood drive from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of the Monument for Medina County Veterans in Natalia.
“For every one pint of blood, three people are helped,” said Ruby Vera, the coordinator for the event.
In many different types of medical treatments, blood is absolutely crucial.
However, this dire need cannot be met by doctors or researchers in a lab. It must be met through donations.
In the month of May, the American Red Cross reported about “20,000 fewer blood…

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Making History!

Pictured on left, Class of 2024’s Madison Wolff is already making history. Wolff was the first Natalia ISD (Class of 2024) student to get her National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Certification Prior to Graduation.
She will be attending Tarleton State University to Become a Veterinarian.

Family fun day

Jeep Swap & live music this Sunday, May 19
Everyone’s invited to come out and enjoy some live music by the Solis Brothers from 12-5pm this Sunday, May 19 at Brown Dodge-Chrysler- Jeep-Ram.
There will be a Jeep Swap Meet going on, with door prizes, and Food Trucks will also be on site, as well as vendors. See ad for more details.

Lytle approves putting gas utility up for sale, Castroville votes NO

Mayor Ruben Gonzalez looks forward another term

In Lytle, the biggest contested issue on the election ballot was a proposal to put the city’s natural gas distribution utility up for sale owing largely to the preference for electricity in the city’s latest subdivision development. That proposal was approved by voters 142 to 47.
“I want to thank our community for supporting our efforts to sell our gas system to be able to operate more efficiently,” Mayor Ruben Gonzalez said.
City Administrator Zachary Meadows said the vote give the city the opportunity to “explore options that we did have before.”
“We’re obviously happy to more forward and start the process on biding the…

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April 20
11:15AM – Complainant called 911 stating she was assaulted on Devine Dr. Complainant left location before arrival and shut phone off.
April 22
9:27AM – Complainant on Robin Ave stated suspicious males in yard with possible bolt cutter. All okay, officer made location and wife had made arrangements for tree trimming and lawn care.

Continue reading “Devine”

District 28-3A Track & Field Schedule of Events for April 3 in Natalia

Elias Deluna,, Gatling Gun, Jacques Gonzales, Oscar Mendez

Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer
Lytle and Natalia put their best foot forward Wednesday, April 3 as the District 28-3A Track and Field Meet commences at Natalia High School as the Mustangs host this year’s major event.
The top four from each event advances to Area next week to compete against other top four finishers from District 27-3A for the chance to advance to Regional later in April.

Continue reading “District 28-3A Track & Field Schedule of Events for April 3 in Natalia”