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Snow flurries began falling in the early morning hours, Tuesday January 21 while most were sound asleep, and kiddos woke up to lots of snow covered patches. It was plenty for a good snowball fight and mini snowmen, with the fun lasting several hours before the sunshine started dissipating snow around 11 am.
Make sure to sign up for FULL PRINT & DIGITAL ACCESS so you can see all of the snow photos in next Wednesday, January 29th newspaper. Sign up at www.DevineNewsMembers.com and you’ll get the print edition mailed to your house every week, as well as full online access immediately.
We will run a full page of SNOW PHOTOS in the Jan.29th Special Snow edition with some of these photos and many more!
(This week’s edition was printed early due to weather concerns.)
The following aerial shots were captured by Robbie Brown around Devine.
Tuesday Jan 21 marks the kick off of the 2025 Medina County Jr Livestock Show in Hondo, and it will be a cold one! Over 1,100 entries have been made by area youth, so get out and support these kiddos.
As of Monday morning, leaders planned to proceed with the show the same day with a short 3-hour delay due to expected weather. Check their Facebook for updates.
The stock show is schedule includes:
Jan 21- Sheep, goats, and poultry,
Jan 22-Halter Heifers, steers and rabbits,
Jan 23-Market Swine, Ag Mechanics and Commercial Heifers,
Jan 24- Gilts, yearling ranch colts (9am show, awards and sale at 2pm), youth showcase (public display of showcase projects 2-3pm), and commercial heifers (awards at 4:30 and sale at 5:00pm).
January 25th-Buyers breakfast kicks off at 8 am, followed by Youth Showcase Silent Auction 10am-2pm, and Premium Auction at 11 am.
In the Winter of 1950, Korean War soldier U.S. Army Pfc. Arthur A. Clifton, 17, was reported missing in action on Dec. 11 after his unit was attacked by Chinese Communist Forces near the Chasin Reservoir, North Korea.
After over two decades of being MIA, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced this January that the soldier has been identified and accounted for, and is now back in Texas where he will be laid to rest this January.
Pfc. Clifton’s nephew, Wade Holland, contacted us this week to give us the news. Holland’s mother (Arthur’s sister), Lydia Holland, lives in Devine.
“Department of Defense personnel came to our house to tell us of the identification and provided a lot of information on the events that lead to Arthur’s death and how the identification process unfolded,” Mr. Holland said “My mom and I have been actively working with DPAA for 25 years to get to this point.”
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By Anton Riecher
The Lytle City Council voted Monday to extend the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction to include the site for a proposed $2.1 billion data center campus that developers hope to eventually have annexed into the city.
City Administrator Zachary Meadows said the developers, Colorado-based Rowan Digital Infrastructure, want to pursue a development agreement with the city that would include tax abatements for the project.
“The only way to do that is to either be in the ETJ or in the city of Lytle,” Meadows said.
Located on a 440-acre site bordering county roads 683 to the east and 6712 on the west, Project Cinco is described as a “hyperscaler” project – a large scale built-to-suit data center that provides cloud computing, networking and data storage services to millions of users.
In December Medina County commissioners approved an…
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Patrick DuBose and Steve Smith, the newest members selected to join the Medina County Emergency Services District 4 Board of Commissioners, received the oath of office from County Judge Keith Lutz during the Jan. 8 ESD4 board meeting in Devine. (Photos by Anton Riecher)
Tax break for ESD4 seniors tabled pending future review
By Anton Riecher
A proposed homestead exemption for Medina County Emergency Services District No. 4 residents over age 65 was tabled by the governing board of commissioners Jan. 8 pending further information on the potential financial impact of such a tax freeze.
Jerry Beck, appointed to the board by county commissioners in December, pushed forward a motion to support the tax break for elderly and disabled residents he proposed at the last board meeting. However, the motion died for lack of a second.
“In my opinion the across-the-board exemption helps those people and makes us (the ESD) more conservative,” Beck said. “It makes us more aware of what we are spending our money on.”
The board also voted to support further research into response call volume throughout the district as a basis for a final…
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Professional Soccer player Mahammed Abu is coming to Devine to help with a free soccer clinic January 25 (from 12 to 2 p.m) and a workshop 26 (from 2 to 3:30). The clinics are free to anyone who wants to play or coach in the newly founded Major League Soccer club in Devine.
The free clinics will be hosted at the practice field beside Devine High School. But the new league is looking for a permanent place to build a nice soccer field.
To get the club started up and run year-round, Carmona is still looking for the right place to build a field.
“All I need is a green space,” said Pablo Carmona, who also runs Anywhere Anytime Plumbing in Devine.
“We are willing to plant the grass, put up the goals, mow and maintain the…
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WWII Veteran Mr. George Schroeders Jr will be celebrating this 101st birthday this Friday, January 17, 2025 in his home here in Devine, shown here enjoying a hamburger and telling stories.
By Kayleen Holder
WWII veteran Mr. George A. Schroeders Jr., of Devine, Texas was born in San Antonio on January 17, 1924. He will celebrate his 101st birthday this Friday, January 17th, 2025. Devine and the surrounding communities are invited to send him Happy Birthday cards to make this milestone extra special. This local veteran would enjoy getting as many cards as we can send him! Please mail cards to Mr. Schroeders at 402 Wilson in Devine, TX 78016.
Mr. Schroeders joined the…
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Most of the brush and trash from the Winter Service projects done locally were transported back to Devine First UMC where it was picked up by South Texas Refuse Disposal Inc. (STRD). Thank you to Freddie Cuellar and Blake Caesar with STRD for making this happen! Thank you also to the college students from the Texas A&M Wesley Foundation for your generous time and hard work in Devine! “We like helping, especially churches,” said Cuellar.