Quisenberry promoted to full-time boys’ and girls’ Athletic Director

Coach Chad Quisenberry has stepped down as head football coach in order to become full time Athletic Director for both the Warhorses and Arabians.
Coach Paul Gomez is taking over as head football coach.

Chad Quisenberry stepped down as head coach of the Devine Warhorse football program after 13 successful seasons to become the full-time Athletic Director for the boys’ and girls’ programs at Devine ISD. Continue reading “Quisenberry promoted to full-time boys’ and girls’ Athletic Director”

DHS One Act Play advances to Bi-District

The cast and crew of DHS One Act Play (back row, left to right): Amada Guardiola, Abbey Paulson, Ariana Russell, Miguel Palma, Emilie Dudley, Charlize Benavidez, Josephine Taitano, and Mrs. Taitain. Front row, left to right: Jose Guardiola, Paige Reyna, Jillian Courtade, Paige Williamson, and Gaby Romano.

This year’s production is A Thousand Cranes, by Kathryn Schultz Miller. Continue reading “DHS One Act Play advances to Bi-District”