Seemed like Sprinting

Greetings from all of us here at the Lytle P.D.! We had 60 calls for service this week and 71 traffic stops. Of those 71 traffic stops, 63 were issued citations, and 8 were given warnings.
We took 6 reports of property crimes, here you go: #1 – Some aspiring artists hit John Lott Park with graffiti. The pavilion sign, building, and trash can were targeted. #2 – A Wisdom Rd. resident reported that their trash can was stolen. #3 – A catalytic converter was taken from a 2015 Toyota Tacoma while it was parked at the TXDOT Park and Ride across from Lytle State Bank. #4 – A homeowner on CR 6842 reported someone was inside their home. Officers arrived and arrested a male for burglary of a habitation. #5 – A catalytic converter was taken from a 2018 Honda CRV while it was parked at O’Reilly Auto Parts on McDonald St. #6 – H.E.B. reported the theft of some trees, looks like the same vehicle from last week. The items taken (28 trees) were valued at approx. $720. These guys were pointing out what to get like they were filling a shopping list. We got better video this time……maybe we can track them down.
Officers made two arrests last week. #1 – A man was arrested for burglarizing a home (the incident on CR 6842). The homeowner caught him on camera. He was booked into the Medina Co. Jail. #2 – A man with 2 parole board warrants (possession of a firearm by felon & controlled substance possession) was sitting in front of the PD and turned himself in. He was booked into the Atascosa Co. Jail without incident.
We had a lot going on last week, this including assisting with 4 pursuits. #1 – Thursday (9/29) around noon officers assisted with a pursuit that ended just south of the city limits on IH-35. This incident involved human smuggling. #2 – Friday (9/30) around 4:30 PM officers assisted with a pursuit from the south on Main St. The vehicle (a stolen F250) turned up 2790 N, looped down Blume Dr., and then took off towards La Coste. The pursuing officers lost the vehicle. It most likely involved human smuggling, the vehicle was stolen out of SA, and so I doubt our crooks were simply returning it. #3 – Saturday (10/1) just after midnight, officers assisted with a pursuit from La Coste that ended in the LHS parking lot. It was not related to human smuggling. #4 – Saturday (10/1) about 9AM, State Troopers pursued a vehicle into town on Main St. from the south. The suspect vehicle collided with two vehicles at the intersection in front of city hall and then came to rest in front of a house next to city hall. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries. This vehicle was engaged in human smuggling. My family was just up the street conducting a garage sale in front of some old buildings we have. My wife and son saw the crash; I was inside and heard them holler for me. I sprinted down the street as the officers were taking the suspects into custody. The road was shut down for a while. I was later told by a witness that I didn’t sprint down the street; it was more like a fast walk. Well, it seemed like I was sprinting. On a positive note, my wife said sales soared at the garage sale due to the road closure.
Just be careful out there, I have never seen so many pursuits and incidents involving human smuggling in my 30+ year career as a peace officer. We are well over 100 miles from the border, so I can imagine what it is like further south. I’m not talking politics, just letting you know what is going on in our community. My advice: Be extra careful at all intersections, even if you have the right of way. If you see and or hear emergency vehicles get off the roadway as soon as possible, I suggest pulling into a parking lot or well into the grass if that is your only option.
I’m so proud of myself; I focused on a serious topic. I was going to scrap all that and rave about the Italian food place we ate at in Helotes after the garage sale.

Me and My Old Truck

I scheduled a fishing trip with a couple of my amigos, and it was agreed that it was my time to drive. I informed the Boss Lady of the arrangement and she commented it was good because taking other people around was the ONLY time I ever really cleaned up and out Old Whitey.
In retrospect, like most things she is not wrong. I always taught in my real estate marketing classes, as well as practiced in my own long ranch sales career that people don’t mind their own dirt but don’t like other folk’s messes.
In doing that “clean up and out” project I got to thinking me and my truck are a lot alike. I never did like change too much and so pretty much bought the same “make up” of truck for over 40 years. Same design, with a few improvements as they came along, same color, same most everything.
The current one has been “kept around” longer than the others because there is now much less time with “my bucket in the bucket seats” due to retirement. In truck years I guess we are about the same age. WELL past our prime, neither are nearly attractive nor powerful as when we were newer. Scarred up with a good many bumps and bruises adorning our carriages, both internal and external.
But we both “start up” MOST days and can still rumble on down the road. Maybe a little slower and with more maintenance than in times past. We have pulled some pretty heavy loads with livestock or farm equipment in or on a trailer behind us. And gotten into some pretty “hairy” drives in deep sand and mud or on a few rocky slopes.
But we made it out most of the time without incident and the few times we did not make it, not a lot of serious help or repair were needed.
And I reckon we BOTH could be replaced, but I don’t think it would be worth the time, trouble, and cost to trade either of us in just yet!
Yep, me and that old truck sure do seem to have several things in common!

Heifer Hunting

With the start of a new school year, it is a bit more complicated to arrange trips down into La Brasada with my Grand Kids. The 3rd Grade and Kindergartener girls have scholastic duties that outrank our country runaways. The nearly 3 year one is not quite so restricted with his weekday obligations.
Our daughter said she was taking the kids down on Saturday to feed the gentle heifers we have on the place before they go back to their “real home” next week. On Friday I left a bag of cubes and some corn out there so they could feed the livestock and wildlife. Much to my dismay we had obligations that precluded me enjoying the weekend event with them.
I asked Jesscia to report back to us after their adventure and it seemed like in a fairly short period of time, we received a video call from our Home Place. As luck would have it the cattle were around the Water Trough by our Pens not far from the front gate. So “the hunt” was not too hard. There was a great debate on who saw the animals first between the two oldest. The youngest seemed happy to be yelling into the phone “Look Mimi, Look Poppi, it’s the “Hifers”!
After a quick count we agreed there was one missing. Our nearly 6 year old said it was because she was mad at her Friends. The older one was afraid she got lost or was hurt. The youngest seemed to have no concern about the absence. That, in a nutshell, tells you where those 3 are in this phase of personality and life development.
There was a significant debate on where to put out the corn and who got to carry the Big Old Coffee Can that is our official deer corn holder when feeding by hand. I wisely decided to let their Mom sort that out without my interference in such an important negotiation.
On a “just today” level, I am hopeful they had a real good time. But on a longer- term point of view, involvement with those activities has a different perspective for me. It is my fervent desire for those precious little ones to develop a deep- seated love and connection with that place and the animals who roam around on it. That way heifer hunting and other similar activities can continue, Lord Willing, for another generation or more.
Seems like 5 generations is just a good “getting started” goal for our involvement out there on our little piece of red dirt and creek bottom country.

Parrot Talk

On our way to go get snow cones, me, Audrey and Tucker walked out to the car. He always jumps in the front driver door and crawls over the console to his seat, while she gets in the passenger door because her car seat is by the window. Tucker is usually always racing and rushing to get where we are going, but on this particular day I stopped and smiled as I saw him jump down from the running board and open the car door for his cousin first. I was so proud to be his mother.
Tucker is one of those kids who just doesn’t slow down and think about things very often. He is always in a race to the finish line, so it was a pretty big step for him to stop and think and perform this kind act. In fact, it was just so sweet, I literally started crying when I told my mom a story about it later.
Later last week, my sister, my mom and the kids all went to the SA Aquarium. It is a really cool place–more like an aquarium/petting zoo/and arcade with jumping castles all-in-one. Of course, when someone asked Tucker what he saw at the aquarium, Tucker answered loud and clear–”there was a huge gift shop!” This is true.
My favorite event of the day was when we all stopped to talk to a parrot who was sitting up on stage greeting crowds as they came along. He was up there on his perch saying “Hello”–”Hello”–”Pretty bird” and things like that calmly when Tucker came along. Tucker wanted to talk to the parrot too, but not in English. Tucker started making his high-pitched bird like shrieks, and that Parrot just stared at him for a minute. I’d like to know what that parrot was thinking. He stared right at Tucker for a few seconds before he surprised us and answered Tucker’s calls–loud and clear–with a shriek so loud we could hardly stand it. That parrot was mimicking Tucker in his own annoying way, with a much deeper and boastful croaking sound. Tucker was of course very amused and I’m sure their conversation could have carried on forever, but my ears could only take that shriek-fest so long! Thankfully the fish in the next exhibit couldn’t talk back to us.
Parrots sure are entertaining animals. I don’t know what makes us so infatuated with hearing them repeat us, but even us adults we are indeed drawn to it and can’t resist it. But no one was as thrilled as Tucker! I’ve never seen a parrot so engaged in conversation–if you can call it that!

Baking time is here

Yea, when I got up this morning to go to church, it was only 69ºF outside! Fall may be here anytime.
My week in Devine was truly a fun and exciting week. Not only did I get to spend time with my newest great-granddaughter and her precious big brothers, I got to see their Daddy also! I got there too late to have lunch with the family, but we had a great afternoon. There had been illness and fevers in my other great-granddaughters, so I didn’t get to see them until Thursday. My son and I had lunch at our favorite BBQ restaurant in Hondo. Friday morning before I left to come home, I went to LaCoste as my other daughter was in, as well as a friend of hers, so I got to see both of them. The house in LaCoste is looking great, she is painting it in colors that were prominent at the time it was built and it’s looking good. Her sister and the little one she keeps came over also and after her friend left, we went out to lunch. Truly a fun and happy time for me. Of course, I would have cheerfully done without the traffic coming home…it was not good. I was trying to figure out why there was so much of it, when it dawned on me that it was Friday evening…of course there was traffic. However, I made it home just fine without any problems.
One of the most delicious smells to have in your kitchen is the fragrance of cinnamon as it bakes into something luscious and tasty. Some of the things to bake that come to mind are such as an Apple Crisp, Apple Pie, baked apples and of course let’s not forget good, old-fashioned Gingerbread. Any type of oatmeal cookie usually has a teaspoon or so of cinnamon amongst the ingredients, snickerdoodles are rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking and molasses cookies are full of wonderful smelling spices.
Gingerbread is something that my family has always loved. My recipe is one that came from a cookbook that Mother used when I was growing up. It smells so spicy and wonderful when it is cooking and is really not difficult to make. Many years ago, when I was hostess for the bunco group I was in at the time, one of my substitutes was a young woman who had never tasted gingerbread in her life. Of course she was teased that she must have had a deprived childhood, when in reality, she simply had a mother who didn’t really like to cook!
Here are a few recipes for you to try, apples are pretty plentiful at this time, even though some varieties are pretty pricey, there are good tasting can be used in many ways.
Quick Homemade Apple Crisp
5 cups peeled, sliced baking apples (Granny Smith, Rome Beauty or any tart apple)
3 tablespoons sugar
¾ quick cooking oatmeal (not instant)
½ cup brown sugar (packed)
¼ cup flour
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
6 tablespoons butter
¼ cup chopped pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 350ºF. Mix apples and sugar and place in a 2-quart baking dish. For topping: in a medium bowl, combine the oatmeal, brown sugar, flour, cinnamon and nutmeg, cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs; add pecans if used and mix to combine; sprinkle over apples in baking dish and bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until apples are tender and topping is golden.
Grandma’s Gingerbread
½ cup shortening
2 eggs
½ cup granulated sugar
2½ cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon nutmeg or cloves
1 cup boiling water
1 cup molasses
Sift together: flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices; set aside. Cream together shortening, sugar and eggs until fluffy; and add sifted ingredients with the molasses. Add boiling water last and stir in gently, just until mixed. Pour into 9×13 pan and bake for 45 minutes or until done. If you like, sprinkle the top of the dough with a tablespoon or two of sugar before baking, or when cake is done, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Ruthie Belle Jackel

Ruthie Belle Jackel, passed away on October 1, 2022 at the age of 91 in Devine, TX. She was born on March 6, 1931 in Black Creek, Texas to parents Jim and Elsie Allen.
Ruthie was preceded in death by her parents; son, Ernest Jackel; husband, Clarence Jackel; son, Roger Jackel (Kay); siblings, John Allen, Jimmy Allen, Jessie Weimers, Evelyn Sollock, Shirley Overall; granddaughter, Cheyenne Baumann; sons-in-law, Joe Delaney Wells II and Michael Krumm.
Ruthie is survived by her children, Wanda Wells, Thelma Davis (Kelvin), Robert Jackel (Laura), Ella Krumm, Brenda Baird (Denny); brother, Willie Allen (Carol); sister, Elsie Reppert; grandchildren, Amy, JJ, Jeff, Julie, Laney, Joe, Bobby, Yolanda, Katie, Kelly, CJ, Clint, Elizabeth, Lilly; 28 great grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
Public Viewing will be held at Hurley Funeral Home – Lytle on October 9, 2022 from  5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Funeral Service will be held at 10:00 AM on Monday, October 10, 2022, at Hurley Funeral Home – Lytle with interment to follow in Hermann and Sons Cemetery, Macdona, Texas.
Anyone wishing to leave condolences, share memories, or sign the guest book may do so at
Arrangements are under the direction of Hurley Funeral Home – Lytle, 14822 North Main Street, Lytle, TX 78052.

Leroy Henry Tondre

Leroy Henry Tondre of Lytle, passed away on October 1, 2022 at the age of 86. He was born July 6, 1936 in Rio Medina, Texas to Oscar L. Tondre and Louisa Wengenroth Tondre.
In 1955, Leroy graduated from Southwest High School. He married Margaret Ann App on June 1, 1961 in San Antonio. Margaret passed away on May 25, 2007, just a few days before their forty-sixth wedding anniversary.
For forty-seven years, he owned and operated Floyd’s Dairy Bar on Goliad Road in San Antonio, retiring in 2017 at the age of 80. Leroy raised chickens and especially loved his chihuahua, Coco.
Survivors include his children, Ruth Tondre of Elmendorf, Joann Pawelek of Lytle, Roland H. Tondre of Lytle, Judy Tondre (Robert Frausto) of Lytle, Priscilla Tondre of Lytle, and Amanda Tondre (Juan Lara) of Lytle; grandchildren, Eliseo Lara, Jr., Christopher Opiela, Kresenda Hernandez (Alfred), Michelle Tondre, Shawn McCraw, Addisyn Lara, Luke Lara, Avery Lara, and Everleigh Lara; and great-grandchildren, Novalee Rangel, Shelby Rangel, Aubree Rangel, and Matthew Hernandez.
Leroy was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Margaret Ann Tondre; an infant son; son-in-law, Raymond Pawelek; sister, Dorothy Leihsing (Joe), and brother, Alvin Tondre (Gayle).
Visitation will be Thursday, October 6, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Tondre-Guinn Funeral Home. A Prayer Service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 7, 2022 at Tondre-Guinn Funeral Home. Interment will follow at St. Louis Catholic Cemetery in Castroville, Texas.
Memorials may be made in Leroy’s memory to the charity of your choice.
Arrangements by Tondre-Guinn Funeral Home. Visit

Gary ‘Mike’ Coffey

Gary ‘Mike’ Coffey of La Coste, passed away on September 5, 2022 at the age of 78. He was born February 29, 1944 in San Antonio, Texas to William Russell Coffey and Mildred Teinert Coffey.
In 1962, Mike graduated from John Marshall High School in San Antonio. He served in the United States Coast Guard for two years and then attended San Antonio College, Southwest Texas State College, and Trinity University. He always said he was following the girls! He then went to the University of Texas in Austin where he received his BBA in Accounting in 1976. He was an accountant for many years. Mike received a BS in Secondary Mathematics Education from University of Texas at San Antonio in 1998 and then began his teaching career. He taught math at Poteet Middle School, Somerset High School, and Medina Valley Middle School.
Mike was a San Antonio Alzafar Shriner Clown and would visit children who were in the hospital at Christmas time to bring them gifts. He greeted all the children at the Alzafar Shrine Circus every year. He also participated in local parades with the clowns and would visit with every child on the parade route.
He loved talking to new people. He never met a stranger.
On March 2, 1996, Mike married Claire Louise Christilles at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in La Coste. They were blessed with twenty-six years of marriage.
Survivors include his wife, Claire Coffey of La Coste; children and their spouses, Kelly and Tom Gehrmann of Black Forest, Colorado, Cable and Brittney Coffey of Arvada, Colorado, and Abby and Eric Schwarte of Austin; grandchildren, Katy Gehrmann, Jilly Gehrmann, Darby Coffey, Ridley Coffey, Charlotte Schwarte, Eli Schwarte, and Lucas Schwarte; siblings, Ruth Coffey of San Antonio and Scotty Coffey Muenchow of Austin; mother-in-law, Shirley Christilles; in-laws, Dian Pfeil (Thom), Randall Christilles (Laura), Jon Christilles (Lori), George Christilles (Rachel), and Melissa Ames (Dale); and many nieces and nephews.
Mike was preceded in death by his parents; his sister, Patricia Coffey Bones; and his father-in-law, James Daniel ‘Jim’ Christilles.
A Masonic Memorial Service will be held during his Celebration of Life from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 16, 2022 at Beethoven Hall, 422 Pereida Street, San Antonio, Texas 78210. A Graveside Service with military honors will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, October 17, 2022 at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery, Shelter #3, in San Antonio, Texas.
Memorials may be made in Mike’s memory to Shriners’ Hospitals for Crippled Children or Orthopedic ( or the charity of your choice.

John Robert Slater

John Robert Slater passed away on October 1, 2022, at age of 91. He was born on October 2, 1930, to Otis and Margaret Slater and lived in Yancy, Texas.
He was a 1948 Devine High School graduate and a 1951 Texas A & I University graduate with a bachelor in Agricultural Education. He earned a master’s degree in Administration in 1963. He was married to Martha Leary on June 30, 1951. John began his teaching career as an instructor for 7 months in the Veterans Ag Program in Alice, Texas. In 1952 he began teaching Agriculture Education in Killeen, Texas. The move of a lifetime occurred in June 1956. John, his wife and three children moved to Orange Grove to be the agriculture teacher. From then until his retirement in 1987, John held the positions as ag teacher, junior high principal, high school principal and superintendent. John also was made a lifelong member by the Texas Association of School Administrators. He was very active in the Jim Wells County Fair for over 50 years. He never missed going to the fair ground to work in the swine barn. He was the Swine Barn Superintendent for many years as well as the Jim Wells County Fair Association President. John was always there to help the 4-H and the FFA students with their projects. His leadership and advice given to them was enormous. He was a 1960 charter member of the Orange Grove 4-H /FFA Boosters Club. John served as President and Director of the Orange Grove Co-op. He served several years on the city’s Board of Aldermen and was a member of the Jim Wells County Appraisal District Board.
John was very devoted to his church, St John of the Cross Catholic Church. He was a charter member of the St. John of the Cross Catholic Church Council. At St Pius X Catholic Church in Sandia, Texas, he served as Chairman of the Council. Being a strong leader, he was one of those who could get people behind him, get things done and when he spoke everyone listened. After retiring from the school, John then began his second career as a rancher. John ran cattle with Charles Houlihan. Afterward he managed the Worsham Ranch and in 1997 the Bernie De Laune Ranch. Always a cowboy at heart, an avid reader of westerns novels, and born a generation too late, he was the happiest when he was on a horse and working cattle. He cared for the cattle and the quail at Bernie’s ranch as if it was his own. Every day he looked forward to getting up to go to the ranch. He worked from day light to dark. He liked to say he worked from “can to can’t.” Everyone admired him for working so hard at his age, but he loved every minute of it. He finally retired around the age of 86.
Along with his many talents, he was a great storyteller and love to spin yarns with just enough truths that the grandkids never knew whether to believe him or not. He loved to play dominoes and poker.
He is preceded by his wife, Martha Slater to whom he was married just short of 70 years.
He is survived by 5 children: Randy (Eileen) Slater, Donald (Amanda) Slater, Kathy Slater, Allen (Victoria) Slater, and Nancy Slater (Kevin)Oswald. He has 5 grandchildren: Amy Slater (Andrew) Cook, Caitlin Slater (Channing) Williford, Cassandra McAden (Jeff Altenbern), Karl (Jenny) Slater, Casey (Rick) Oswald Jewell, and Jessica Oswald. His great- grandchildren are: Jace Cook and Nova Altenbern.

George Michael “Mike” Schott

George Michael “Mike” Schott of Devine, TX passed away at the age of 71 on September 29, 20222.
He was born in Castroville, Texas on August 6, 1951 to George Vernon and Lanie Schott.
George Michael was a “Devine High School Graduate” – Class of 1970.
He is survived by his wife of 50 years: Susan Rackley Schott; daughter: Sheila Carol Schott, Son: Michael Vernon Schott, wife Crystal and grandson: Vance Bruno Schott; sisters: Joyce Schott Sims and husband Larry and Dixie Schott Richards and husband Don; brother: Robert (Bobby) Schott, brother-in-laws: Ronnie Rackley and wife Sondra and Gary Rackley and wife Lorraine, and numerous nieces and nephews and other relatives.
He is preceded in death by his mother: Lanie Schott, sister: Linda Schott Klein and father George Vernon Schott.
Graveside Service will be held at 11:00 AM on Thursday, October 6, 2022 with Deacon Jerry Whitley officiating at Evergreen Cemetery with interment to follow, in Evergreen Cemetery, Devine, Texas.
Anyone wishing to leave condolences, share memories, or sign the guest book may do so at
Arrangements are under the direction of Hurley Funeral Home – Devine, 303 College Ave., Devine, TX 78016.

Shirley Austermiller

Shirley Austermiller of Devine, TX, age 85, passed away on September 30, 2022 in San Antonio. She was born on October 22, 1936 in Perrysburg, Ohio to Russell Alger Elkins and Evelyn Hill Elkins.
Shirley moved from Mesa, Arizona in 2007 after her sons passing.
Shirley was preceded in death by her parents and son: Jeffrey Retcher in 2006 and her brother: Merrill Lee Elkins.
Shirley is survived by her daughter: Julyn (Anthony James) Bird of Devine, TX and son: Jasen L. (Vada) Austermiller of Devine, TX; foster daughter: Gloria (Lee) Triebenbach;9 grandchildren, 16 Great Grandchildren; sister-in-law: Hermie Elkins; other relatives, many foster children and numerous friends.
Visitation will be held on Monday, October 10, 2022 from 5:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. with a Celebration of Life Service beginning at 7:00p.m. at Hurley Funeral Home-Devine Chapel. Services to conclude in chapel.
Those attending please be mindful of your fragrances and colognes due to son’s allergies.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Devine Food Pantry.
Anyone wishing to leave condolences, share memories, or sign the guest book may do so at
Arrangements are under the direction of Hurley Funeral Home – Devine, 303 College Ave., Devine, TX 78016.