Two property crimes, no arrests

If you are looking for the most up to date information on Lytle Police activity you just hit the jackpot. This past week we generated 41 service calls and Capt. Frank Reyes handled 18 of those! Our officers conducted 103 traffic stops. Citations were issued in 86 of those stops and the remaining 17 were issued warnings.
We had two property crimes reported this past week. A Creek St. resident reported that his Harley Davidson motorcycle was stolen from his residence. The theft occurred on Monday, April 16 between the hours of 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM. The motorcycle was valued at approx. $10,000. The other property crime involved the theft of a banner that was attached to a fence on Main St. Somebody took a real nice, full color banner advertising for St. Andrew’s Church Festival in June, it had a cool picture of Ramon Ayala on it so I am sure some fan (and thief) took it for their collection. Hey crook! If you want memorabilia get it on eBay like the rest of us.
No trips to jail this past week. The only non-traffic charges involved a couple of pedestrians who happened to also be father and son. They got into a little disagreement and threw a punch at each other. Father and son were both cited and released.
I guess the city has a “dry spell” as far as special events go. If you want something to look forward to I believe our fireworks show is on the 4th of July (a Wednesday this year) at John Lott Park. Start planning now so you don’t show up late and miss a free, medium quality hotdog.