Schott, Fitch win elections

City of Devine Elections

Jennifer Schott won the District 4 council seat by defeating Incumbent Councilwoman Kathy Wilkins by a vote of 63 to 13. Schott got 35 early votes and 28 on election day for 63 total. Wilkins had 8 early and 5 on election day for a total of 13.
76 voters in District 4 voted, 43 early and 33 on election day. Election Judge was Gilbert Fraga. Dora Rodriguez, City Secretary.
Schott and District 1 and District 3 incumbents David Valdez and David Espinosa, unopposed, will be sworn in for new two-year terms.
Devine School Board Elections
Phillip Fitch won the District 1 School Board trustee position by defeating his opponent Yvette Gerlach 79 to 29 votes. Fitch got 53 early votes and 26 on election day for a total of 79. Gerlach had 15 early votes and 15 on election day for a total of 29. There were 109 voters (69+40 + 1 ballot with no vote = 109 total voters.
Election Judge was Gilbert Fraga. Dora Rodriguez, City Secretary.
In District 5 the election was uncontested. The new board member will be Dr. Keri Crouch James.
Fitch and James will be sworn in soon.