Moore VFD participates in Wintergarden District Pumper Races

Members of the Moore VFD are (kneeling left to right): Abigail Earls, Justin Ross, Clifford Cantrell, Ashley Dodd, and Jonathan Craig. Standing (left to right): Summer Craig, Richard Hitchcock, Emberleigh Hitchcock, Linnet Hitchcock, JD Earls, Stephanie Earls, Christopher Earls, Monique Chacon, Troy Portis, and Kyle Dodd.

Moore VFD participated in the fall 2017 Wintergarden District Pumper races in Dilley on Sunday, Sept. 23. The team of Kyle Dodd, Ashley Dodd, Clifford Cantrell, Jonathan Craig, Monique Chacon, and Justin Ross won 1st place in the 6-man team race.
Kyle Dodd, Justin Ross, and Jonathan Craig won 1st place in the 3-man team race.
Clifford Cantrell and Kyle Dodd won 2nd place in Water Polo. Moore VFD also won the W.E. (Bill) Zorn 3-man traveling trophy as well as the Rust trophy for fastest combined times.
Moore VFD Fire Chief JD Earls and Asst. Chief Richard Hitchcock are very proud of the crew at Moore VFD for all the hard work and determination these ladies and gentlemen invest.
If you are interested in joining Moore VFD, please contact Chief Earls at 830-444-6238 or by email at