Devine ISD 2017-2018 coaching assignments

Coaching assignments for Devine’s athletic programs are finalized. With the departure of some personnel after last school year and the incoming new coaches to the district, some assignments have changed.
Athletic Director-Chad Quisenberry; Athletic Coordinator/Secretary-Terri Wells; Trainer-Ruben “Doc” Alston.
HC=Head Coach, A=Assistant, JV=Junior Varsity, F=Freshmen, 8=8th Grade, 7=7th Grade.
Cross Country-Khera Vay (HC), Jerel Beaty (A); Vay and Beaty also coach 7th and 8th grade middle school boys and girls.
Volleyball-Leigh Anne McIver (HC), Mark Mangold (JV), Kim Lane (F) Shana Beaty (8) Megan Perez (7). Beaty and Perez will assist each other with both A and B teams.
Tennis-Melanie Sostarich (HC), Julie Oropeza (A), Kandi Darnell (A). Each will also coach middle school teams.
Football-Paul Gomez (HC), PJ Wells (Varsity Offensive Coordinator/Varsity Quarterbacks/Asst. Defensive Ends), George Villa (Varsity Defensive Coordinator/Varsity Running Backs), Lynn Cozby (Varsity Special Team Coordinator/Varsity Defensive Ends/JV), Heath Poppe (High School Equipment Coordinator/Varsity Secondary/JV Running Backs), Scott Taylor (Varsity Receivers/JV Defensive Coordinator/JV Linebackers), Evan Eads (Varsity Tight Ends/Varsity Linebackers), Devin Rotramel (Varsity Offensive Line/Varsity Defensive Line), Bart Oropeza (Freshman Offensive Coordinator), Lon Cozby (JV Defensive Secondary/8th Grade Offensive Coordinator), Juan Gonzalez (Freshman Defensive Coordinator/8/7), Quenton Sanders (Freshman Tight Ends/Freshman Secondary/7th Grade Offensive Coordinator), Jacob Sanchez (Freshman Defensive Line/8/7 Offensive and Defensive Lines), Jonathon Darnell (JV/Freshman Wide Receivers/JV Defensive Tackles).
Arabian Basketball-Jim Sessions (HC), McIver (JV), Kailyn Miller (F), Perez (8), Vay (7). Perez and Vay will assist each other with both A and B teams.
Warhorse Basketball-PJ Wells (HC), Alex Oyola (A), Eads (JV), Sanders (9), Gonzalez (8), Lon Cozby (7). Gonzalez and Cozby will assist each other with both A and B teams.
Track-Lynn Cozby (HC/Track Coordinator), Rotramel (A), Lon Cozby (A/8/7), Vay (A/8/7), Sanders (A), Oyola (8/7), Sanchez (8/7), Lane (A).
Powerlifting-Gomez (HC), Rotramel (A).
Softball-Mangold (HC), Miller (A), Gonzalez (A).
Baseball-George Villa (HC), Poppe (JV1), B. Oropeza (A/JV2).
Golf-PJ Wells (HC), J. Beaty (A).
During any of the seasons, parents may contact their child’s coach by email ( or the coach’s contact information is on each individual sport’s schedule.
By Jerel Beaty
Staff Writer